Episode 87 - July 8, 2021

How to Strategically Use Thank You Pages in Your Marketing Online feat. Brian Keith

All Systems Go! Marketing Automation and Systems Building with Chris L. Davis
All Systems Go! Marketing Automation and Systems Building with Chris L. Davis
How to Strategically Use Thank You Pages in Your Marketing Online feat. Brian Keith
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Ep. 87 – Are you properly leveraging your thank you pages? In this episode Chris is joined by Brian Keith to talk about one of their favorite topics in online marketing. Brian is the founder of Red Beard Consulting where he helps companies scale their profits and impact through auditing their existing systems. Tune in to hear Chris and Brian discuss various ways to win (and a way to lose) by using thank you pages effectively.

What You'll Learn

  • [10:17] How Brian’s journey led him to start Red Beard Consulting
  • [14:38] An eye opening analogy that explains the importance of having a thank you page
  • [17:16] Why connecting online requires a different strategy today than in years past
  • [19:24] How strategically planning out your funnel backwards will provide you with a more effective thank you page
  • [23:11] An example of how to upsell from your thank you page
  • [25:39] Brian shares a moment he helped a client gain maximum trust – and why he would never do it this way again
  • [27:27] How to personalize your thank you pages for each customer
  • [28:35] A few places and pages you can optimize for after a customer takes action
  • [33:27] Brian shares the best usage of a thank you page that he has done or experienced
  • [37:27] One opportunity for a deeper connection that is often overlooked
  • [39:06] How to become an Automation Service Provider™

Today's Guest

Brian Keith is founder of Red Beard Consulting, author of ‘The Impact Framework’ and an expert in systematizing operations for businesses. Brian helps companies to scale their profits and impact through auditing their existing systems and making adjustments geared for efficiency and automation.

Resources Mentioned


Narrator  0:00  

You’re listening to the All systems go podcast, the show that teaches you everything you need to know to put your business on autopilot. Learn how to deploy automated marketing and sale systems in your business the right way. With your host, the professor of automation himself and founder of automation bridge, Chris Davis.


Chris Davis  0:33  

Welcome to the our systems go podcast. I’m your host Chris al Davis, the founder and chief automation Officer of automation bridge the place online to learn about Small Business Marketing and Sales Automation, where we focus on turning digital marketing professionals into automation service providers. And if you’d like to become one or find out more, please visit automation bridge comm forward slash a SP. If you’re new to the podcast Welcome. Welcome to the All systems go podcast. And make sure you listen to this episode in its entirety. Before you subscribe, just so you know what kind of value you’re getting at the time of recording this podcast that all systems go podcast is free to subscribe to. So you can find the show wherever you fall, wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, you can even subscribe on YouTube. Okay, while you’re at it, your five star ratings and reviews are greatly appreciated. If for whatever reason you’re running into issues, leaving a review in the platform you’re listening to this on, you can visit automation bridge comm forward slash review and we’ll take care of all of the posting for you. Alright, this episode, I get to talk about one of my favorite topics in online marketing. And that’s thank you pages. And Brian, he enjoys them just as much as me and we discuss various ways that you can win. He even shows away that he lost him using air quotes when I say loss. By using them effectively. There’s something really unique about thank you pages, and you’ll learn as you listen to this podcast. But my my hopes is that by the end of this podcast, you will be thinking about and leveraging thank you pages differently, but not just differently, more highly effectively in your marketing online. All right, Brian Keith, he is the founder of red beard consulting, the author of the impact framework, and an expert at systematizing operations for businesses. He helps companies to scale their profits in impact through auditing their existing systems, and making adjustments geared for efficiency. And automation. That’s a lot in there is a short paragraph. But there’s quite a bit to peel back. So hopefully you get to know a little bit more about Brian, in his approach, learning how he approaches thank you pages. So go ahead and listen to our discussion. Brian, welcome to the podcast. Glad to have you on man. It was a joy, just our pre chat for the podcast. And you know, we both probably agree we could have went on for days. But now we can get it officially on the record. How are you doing? Man?


Brian Keith  3:27  

I am utterly delighted to be alive. I just finished a two day no tech, which sounds like a tiny amount of time. But once you go through, you’re like I just climbed Mount Everest. Oh man, no tech. Wow, the whole two days. It’s amazing how time changes when you’re just like you want to do something you’re like, Oh, no, I can’t research that right now. Here. Let me go. Let me go write that down later. It’s incredible. You’re my whole brains. Just this is actually my first time talking to a human on technology. In a whole two days.


Chris Davis  4:03  

That you know, you you bring an idea to my mind just like at least once a month, just the entire family just no tech. It may be that expands to more than once. But I think our brains need that time to breathe and disconnect man, especially us who are in this technical field where we’re always logically thinking and building out journeys and having to optimize for the best path. Our brains are just always going and we’re always looking at stuff, you know.


Brian Keith  4:36  

And we’re so used to this to talking on screens, which is not how we’re designed as humans to connect. Yeah. And so if you find yourself wanting to talk to a human, but your technology is off, you might actually have to go talk to your wife or your husband or your kids or neighbor I don’t know or Friday and connect with them without the I wanted to look that up. How often in a conversation Are you talking to the friend in person? And some interesting topic comes up? Oh, yeah. You take yourself out of the moment, right? I know, all the freakin time. It’s incredible. It’s like I’m an addict because I asked,


Chris Davis  5:12  

this is too tough, man. I know we have a podcast to record. But hold on, man, just Just wait. Just wait right there. What’s gonna all relate? Right? I’m getting to the point. I’m not lying to you, where I refuse to have a conversation with somebody with a cell phone in their hand. Like, I just won’t compete. Because I’ve seen it. Sometimes that person just has no, you know, they’re they’re just easily distracted. But other times you can say something. And they’re like, oh, let me look it up, and that look up, then they’re on Facebook, like, it just leaves them you’re right takes them out of the moment, man. And I think that we’re getting to a point where we cannot afford to do that. And let that be the norm. Man, you know,


Brian Keith  5:53  

I signed a new client on Friday, today’s Monday that we’re recording this. And part of my hilarious sales pitch was I am one of the hardest to get ahold of people you will ever work with. I’m after that came out of my mouth. I thought, hey, that’s a weird thing to say during sales call. But be it’s really true that you can’t call me My phone’s off. You can email me I’ll see in a day or three. You can Facebook me, I’ll see in a day or three, you can message me on Twitter, I’ll see in a day or three. But I mostly only do meetings two days a week. And you can’t call me or text me. So what I told them is when I’m with you, I will be with you. They say that in your preparation for this podcast, you said turn off all your notifications, which I love to say that I think there because I always have everything closed. My phone’s always off. I don’t have any notifications on at this point. Someone could knock on the door. My dog could go crazy. My fiance can knock on the door because the house is on fire. But really, I just live a notification free life in a sense most of the time.


Chris Davis  6:55  

Yeah. That’s powerful man and just being present, man and giving whatever has your attention. Your attention.


Brian Keith  7:02  

That’s the biggest gift. Wow. The most rare gift, right? Yeah. How often? Like on Saturday, we got to go see some friends. Mm hmm. And here we are tech free. The last tech we have the weekend was my fiance texting the friend saying we’re leaving now to come to you. So we’re sitting there playing to the dogs, we go for up for a walk by the water. And we’re just completely they’re just, we’re giving ourselves completely in his experience. And how often do we cut ourselves off and say, Oh, I’m going to do three things at once. I’m gonna watch my movie on Netflix while talking to my spouse while on my phone. Oh, yeah, yeah, huh? Yep. Yep. Oh, joke, but it’s not a joke. Yeah, crippling our ability to connect. And empathy is the greatest asset. And we’re just burning it. We’re just lighting dumping gas and empathy and burning it. Yep. I connecting through Twitter. And by looking at 1000 different controversies in our I’ve been really active on Twitter starting about two months ago. And until then, I was ignoring Twitter and just focus just entirely on Facebook. And Facebook, I find it fantastic for connecting with communities that I’m already connected to. So our mutual friend, Greg Jenkins, is monkeypod Grove, my favorite place on Facebook. There’s not that many people in our group, less than 1000. So for building relationships, love it. But how do you get to know people? You don’t know? That’s why I started being active on Twitter. Yeah. And I’ve had some success. almost a million impressions in the last 28 days. Nice. A couple of really handy retweets. really lucky retweets. Yeah. But what I’m noticing is on Twitter, well, what gets traffic? Derek Halpern says outrage and controversy gets traffic. Yeah, those are the things that turn us on. And we want to fight. Oh, you’re wrong. I’m right. Something like that. Or we’re both right against those bad people over there. Yeah. So I was on Twitter lots to go and start using this new platform. And, man, the amount of controversy, Chris, the amount of outrage I was exposing myself to even just this morning feedback on Twitter after a whopping two days off, like, oh, like being hit in the head with a sledgehammer or something. Wow, the amount of controversy and I could feel myself like, oh, there’s just so much. And that’s even a little tiny slice. Yeah, right. And some of these people who they’re posting stuff, I really do care about them. And we’re aligned in our mission, but like this morning of a factory in Illinois blew up, and there’s footage of it blowing up, and it’s a disaster. Now, did you need to know that Chris?


Chris Davis  9:31  

Right. Oh,


Brian Keith  9:32  

unless you live in Illinois right next to their did I need to know it? Probably not. And yet someone I care about hyper relationship with posted and I consumed it by watching it. That’s a really powerful example an explosion at a factory. But how often do we do that across everything else like one friend, leaving a comment on someone else’s friends post or someone not answering some message from us or all these little bits of attention that we lose and that is the most perfect segue ever into the topic of the day, which is when do you actually have someone’s attention? Yeah, the answer is almost never. Except there is one time where you always have someone’s attention. What’s that one time, Chris?


Chris Davis  10:13  

Yeah, yeah, it is. It is. It is the topic at hand. Those of you ever looked looked at the title of this episode know where we’re going, however, let let me do you, justice. Brian. Give our listeners just a little bit of insight about you and your journey and your business. Yeah,


Brian Keith  10:33  

I got out of college and I went to go work it and internet marketing agency. Oh, wow. right out of college right out of college. And I thought, Oh, man, I’m so hot. And I look back at who I was and how I acted, I think now, most 21 year olds, they both simultaneously like their opinion of themselves, right compared to their skill set, obviously. And yeah, I have a special case of being particularly like, Oh, it’s like you’re watching a fight. Maybe in a movie you’ve already seen you’re like, Oh, no, no, he’s behind you. Yeah, no, good. Yeah. So I learned a lot there. And then after doing that, for a while, went off and did a variety of other things like being a nomadic goat herder, for example, or an electricians assistant. All kinds of fun stuff. And we’re talking about horse farm in Tennessee for a bit and then started my company back in 2012. Because I feel like a long time ago because it’s almost a long time ago.


Chris Davis  11:28  

It does feel like a long time ago, but you know, like every year is after I graduated college kind of like has a landmark so it feels like long ago but then I can remember it like it’s just yesterday, you know,


Brian Keith  11:41  

not that long ago, right? So started working with key back nodes called Infusionsoft just when campaign builder came out. Yep, ah highlights in my careers. I was helping companies automate things, initially, mostly with that platform, then later other platforms. At one point, I had the biggest Zapier course in the world over 3000 students on Udemy. This is before Zachary came out with their own training, which once they did that my training was horribly outdated. So I just deleted it. Because like, I could try to make this better. But now at this point, there’s so many Zapier courses everywhere. Trying to be the best in the world, when there’s only one of you is really easy. being the best in the world. And there’s like 50, and you’re really smart, like nope, yeah, I saved the deal or resources. Yeah. And Zapier is training itself is excellent. Yeah, the time that I made my course. Haha, there’s no training. So it’s like, Man, I’m good stuff. But no, yeah, not anymore. And then I’ve written a few books along the way, kind of speak on a few stages. And here we are, where I’m now focused on helping generationally minded entrepreneurs, deploy the right systems in their business, where I’ve discovered that really working with the people who are thinking about what impact on my work, have 100 years from now on people, I will never meet that those are the people that I care about, you know, from the folks who are more in it for how can I go get rich today or go get whatever my goal is today? I’m not really interested in talking to you, I find that the generationally minded people, I just love working with those people.


Chris Davis  13:09  

Yeah, that’s good, man, a big picture stuff. So with that being said, Man, I love it. I love that even though you got started. in internet marketing, there’s still a journey, right? There’s still the exploration and your destination for which was the beginning of another path, because you never really arrived, was the fact that you know what, this is what I want to do, this is out of all that I’ve learned. This is how I want to show up and help people to use it, not get rich, quick, not, you know, tug on your psychological triggers that I know work and can make you do what I want you to do. And I even think that our pre amble, you know, our pre Convo of this of this episode, I’m in the first five minutes gives a good glimpse into you as well, and just your thoughtfulness. Right, and presence and attention. Which again, we can go back to the the topic at hand, because I think this is this is going to be so fun to talk about in it is in marketing. You’re competing for everybody’s attention. Everybody’s running ads. Everybody’s got a landing page. Everybody’s got a Facebook group. Everybody’s got this. Everybody’s got that in their example, on my site. Yes, yes. Right. But But what’s this? They they now are comparing us to goldfish, right? The attention span of a goldfish is like, I think less than a second or something like that. So how do you do it? And as you mentioned earlier, there is one time, one time in marketing that you are guaranteed for at least as long as technology does not get in the way, somebody’s undivided attention with respect to what you just told them. You’re going to give them or what they were going to get. And that’s thank you pages and You have a few stories, some strategies, and to help us understand how do we properly leverage thank you pages. But I’ll start here, Brian, why why do what? Why do I even need a thank you page because because watch this, Brian, that that form I’ve got this software, and it gives me this option that says, Put a message right there. So why create a whole nother page when I could just say thank you, I just emailed your resource or Thank you, we’ll call you tomorrow. Why do I have to go through and build out an entire page for what my software makes so easy?


Brian Keith  15:37  

I can do no better than to quote just the McDonald’s. Former President the sixth division. Yeah. And he’s saying I sixth division, we call a next action page. Not a thank you page, like oh, my goodness, why I think about Oh, J Maxx incredible. And it’s the next action that the reason it’s so important is that someone just clicked a button. So their wallets open. And we all care about money. So whatever you’re like, Okay, I just gave you money, you will never have more trust into that moment. Yeah, more or less. And so that moment, is your greatest chance to build a relationship. ever think about. If you get married, and think about the moment after you put the ring on her finger, whatever you do, right then will be remembered forever. Everyone’s watching. She’s watching, like, Whatever you do, will be permanent. In the history books. It’s a really important moment, obviously. And when we think about putting a ring on a spouse’s finger, we think we I should probably pay attention, I should probably have some kind of like, here’s how I’m going to act at that time. But then when someone does something, like Oh, they download an ebook, we say your message has been received, or you’ll see it, you’ll see it in your inbox, please tell me if you like it. And we don’t really accept that, oh, my goodness, they just gave us their attention. If only to go theoretically, go read an ebook. Later, they gave us their email address. My buddy journals Kodak, in this book, predictable profits, he talks about the dating engagement marriage way of looking at things here. And really, we got to keep in mind that even at the Give me your email address stage, or download the content, upgrade, whatever it is, there’s this, there’s this promise and there’s this connection, or someone’s will let you into their world. And well, maybe a decade ago saying thanks. Check your inbox was cool beans. At this point. That may be the only moment you get because at least at that moment, when they click Submit, they’re probably not also on their phone and watching Netflix. Absolutely. They’re pretending to listen to their spouse. Yeah, at that moment, as they’re typing it in or auto filling it. Let’s be honest, and clicking Submit or get get the thing. Mm hmm. We have that moment. And that moment. We don’t we can’t count on anything more than that. That is our first date. That’s the first kiss. Yeah. So we got to like, we got to honor that and say, Okay, if we actually care about helping this person, live a better life, have a happier relationship, make more money, whatever it is, we’re helping them to do. We have to hone in on that. See, I’m going to honor this moment. Well, how am I going to honor him? If they’re the right person, to ascend beyond whatever they just got, whether it’s an E book, whether it’s joining the $10,000 membership doesn’t matter what it is, if they’re the right person to ascend beyond here, which I need to know that I want to go and help them ascend to go get deeper into this, if you’re kind of solved by marriage, and I just downloaded an ebook on how to stop yelling at your wife. And then you say, check your inbox. But you could have saved my marriage and you just emailed me an ebook? Yeah. Yeah. Dick, like you could have done so much more. Yeah, he stopped. Why? Because it’s easy, because it’s a hassle to do something else cuz you’re not sure what to do. You don’t want to you don’t have here forward, like this guy on the aspirin ebook. I’m not going to go sell him $1,000 package on how like a coaching thing on how to how to avoid divorce. He only wanted an ebook. We have this fear of success, right? What if he doesn’t like it? What if he buys the $1,000 figure how to avoid the failed marriage? And then what if he wants a refund? I’ll just I’ll just tell the dog please confirm your email address. Yep. And you’re very not responsible.


Chris Davis  19:24  

You know what, Brian, I also found, as you’re saying this, I’m thinking of the ways people trip up. Most of the time people build their funnel forward instead of planning backwards, right. So instead of beginning with the end, and then going back and extracting their lead magnet from their product, they start with the lead magnet, and they have no clue what they want somebody to do next. They’re just like, well, this is the beginning and the end, just download it. They don’t have a strategy to email them. You know, and this is not just for beginners. This is across the board. So even as You know, I think that the most common thing is it a thank you page requires you to be strategic. You have to be strategic in what not only what you want them to do, but how you want them to do it in your city in your example. I’ve been in a place where things weren’t 100% on, you know, the up and up in marriage. And I’m looking online for somebody who can I call? Who can I talk to? at that? At that point? I’m wide open, Brian, if I download how to communicate with your spouse better if you’re offering me that, and then on the thank you page to say, Hey, are you do you just need to talk to somebody right now? Do you understand the chances of me saying yes, I want to talk right now. I don’t want to go to my email. I want to talk right now.


Brian Keith  20:44  

And then imagine if you clicked the button that said yes. And it said, What phone number should we call you out? You click enter? And then five seconds later, you get a call from the expert says, hey, it’s Bob here. So your marriage is in trouble? What’s going on? And it’s an actual human. And then after, you know, 15 minutes of talking, once Bob has done the assessment about are you actually qualified? Yeah, then Bob can say. So I hope that’s been some good advice for you to get on the right track. If you’d like to continue this conversation. I’d love to here’s what our rights are. You want to move forward? Yes. And say yes. Then they send you It says Bob says, great, you’ll see an invoice for Pay Pal in your inbox right now. Go ahead, pay that I’ll stay on the line. And then we’ll talk about this next. Yeah. Yeah. Or some percentage of people. matzah, lifesaver, it’s a marriage saver to take better care of your kids saver. Absolutely. It’s a lot of work. So


Chris Davis  21:36  

if you’re not, you know, I we preface this entire episode, or let me preface it by saying this is not get rich, quick stuff. This is not thing stuff to be abused to tweak people’s behavior and get them to do what you want them to do. It’s for people who have something of extreme value to an audience who is looking for that value. How do you get them to help? How do you get them to transformation as fast as possible? And thank you pages have been one of the key elements. For me, I was everybody I was sharing with Brian, I don’t have a history with marketing that is healthy. Like I grew up in marketing and marketers with


Brian Keith  22:17  

Chris has to be the title. Something like my unhealthy relationship with marketing and how I learned to really turn it around. I don’t know what to do. Right? Right, that that turn of phrase has made my day right, that was a healthy relationship. Marketing.


Chris Davis  22:33  

We it was it was rather abusive, from my perspective, because it’s like, oh, it’s a marketer. Everybody, hide your wallet, hide everything. Close the door, turn off the lights, you know, looks


Brian Keith  22:43  

like it’s like Jehovah’s Witnesses. For some people they experienced Well, yeah, JW is, you know, they’re gonna knock on your they’re gonna harass you. But for other people, that’s how they find their path to God is the best thing in the world. Yeah, where do you sit determines whether you find that or any other missionary religion as being a stain on our society, or a deeply caring people that help others find peace, happiness and correction quality for all eternity. So it’s where you sit is hugely important. I have a story for you. Yeah, I have a membership, the red beard accelerator where I help you deploy more of the right systems in your business. Yeah. You’ve not looked at the sales page? Yep. I’ll give you one guess as to what the upsell is. Once you go by the monthly or the annual version. mode, you guess, call with you a strategy session, or smart. So it’s, you get three calls. But instead of 15 $100, if you buy right now, it’s only 470. So you can guarantee your progress, because you’re not you’ve already bought in to the monthly the annual was either 200 or 2000 or so a year? Yeah. 200 a month, 2000 a year. But okay, double down, you just already confirmed to me told me you believe in this, you believe you just told yourself is more important, you told yourself. I believe being part of Red Berets group is going to help me to play more the right systems and grow my revenue. And the very next thing I say is, would you care to double down on that, and to guarantee your progress? Yeah, you can use these calls anytime in the next 12 months. It’s a very serious discount, it exists nowhere else you’ll ever see it, you’ll only ever seen. And you know this because by the time you I and you probably followed my stuffs you notice you don’t hear like these by three to get to whatever, like there’s no sales going on here. So it’s really authentic. And it’s directly oriented to what you just told yourself. And it’s the whole if someone else tells you something that might be aligned, but if you tell yourself something, it’s true. So I capitalize on that. Yeah, and there’s an uptake rate is incredible, obviously, because people have just told themselves, I trust this guy. And I say, Oh, you trust me, would you like to trust me some more? Right? And then I deliver real value, right? Because the membership is it’s group based, nothing private. And this is something different. So it’s a private one on one. So it’s not the same thing. It’s not like would you like to buy a second one of the thing you just bought which were great for e commerce stuff. It’s a would you like an add on that is getting It’d be incredibly affordable now, like if you just bought annual for 1970 a year, spending 470 to get three one on one hours and save over $1,000. Like the numbers are pretty attractive. And if you just spent 1970, or like, you’re saying for only a quarter of what I just spent, I can get 311 hours to use within the next year on anything. So we have this balance where the moment of maximum trust, I make an offer and I say, hey, this, like you already said you wanted this. And so just flows naturally from one to the other. Yeah,


Brian Keith  25:30  

Not just check your email address and your inbox for a confirmation. The moment of maximum trust,


Chris Davis  25:36  

I should love it. You really should. I


Brian Keith  25:39  

mean, let me tell you, Chris, about a moment where I have maximum trust that I screwed up on. Yeah, well, sorry. Yep.


Brian Keith  25:48  

flashback to


Brian Keith  25:49  

  1. It was it was a long time ago, it seems like and I had a client where the thank you page stopped. I don’t even recall it was honor. But it was not it wasn’t converting anything it wasn’t even offering anything was probably check your inbox. Oh, my heart breaks. So me being smart inside. Let’s go invite people to give us their cell phone number. And that way we can communicate with them through text. Okay, my client being trusting said, Great idea. So we’re gonna play that. Guess what happened next.


Chris Davis  26:21  

Everybody called that phone. That number. They didn’t text


Brian Keith  26:24  

close. Everyone signed up. Now text message marketing is dirt cheap. If you’ll have only a handful of people, and it’s still pretty cheap, if you have, say 510 20,000 people signing up as long as you’re monetizing it. But let’s say for example, you went ahead and started having 1000s of people sign up to hear from you. But you didn’t already have a monetization plan in place to your point about strategy and work backwards. Right from your end goal. Yeah, the client ended up having to turn it off. Yeah, because they were getting so many people opting in. And this was only when they opted in for a lead magnet. So it wasn’t quite the maximum level of trust as if they just given you 1000 bucks. But it was so passed. So, so exciting to people, everyone’s opting in. This is a long time ago. If anybody out there if you currently if your current thank you page says, check your inbox for confirmation email, just change that to Can I text you sometimes? If yes, put your phone number here and click on text me. Yeah, I’ll send you a quick message.


Chris Davis  27:27  

Yeah, and I’ll say this, this this is, this is a little advanced for my advanced listeners. And I’ll bring it down in a minute. But one thing that I love about the thank you page too is you always know more information on that page than the previous at bare minimum, you know, their email address. If you ask for their name, you have their name. And you can now personalize that page and show their name. Or if you’re asking for more For more information, the email field is no longer required. So even if you want it to hide it is still populate if you’re using the right technology to pre populate. But you can really create this personalized experience on that thank you page relative to the information that you’re capturing on the initial page. So tell me this brand. Where where are some usage of facebook, facebook, of thank you pages, and I’ll jump into because you just mentioned after purchase, and it made me think there may be a lot of our listeners that just aren’t familiar with thank you pages in their usage, right. So where are other cases people can think about, oh, I never thought about optimizing that page after they took that action.


Brian Keith  28:42  

So your key ones would be after someone confirms their email address, after someone opts in for anything without giving you money, after someone gives you money of some kind. And then after they give you money a second time or beyond. There’s all kinds of tools that can parse this out. Where with tools like plus this, you can say, when someone buys, if they’ve spent less than a certain amount of money in the past, then send them to this thank you page. If they send more than that amount of money, send them over here. Yep. And so I can do things like say, if you and I can do this too, if you have or have not bought a certain thing. Let’s say I had a $10 tripwire product that was going to the $2,000 annual accelerator product. I could say okay, if you buy this $10 thing, and you’re already an accelerator member, I can offer you something that’s not the accelerator because you already bought that. Or if you’re an an if you’re a monthly but not an annual accelerator member, I could say hey there would you like to upgrade your membership to annual if you do it right now I’ll give you some something off because you just bought this other thing. Yeah, and if you already have annual then I’m going to offer you private coaching or outsource SEO or something else that I offer, or I can offer an affiliate link. If you’ve already bought everything I have in an area. Well then okay if you maybe I should say Hey there, thanks for buying this, I love the rd member of my accelerator, let me tell you about this new thing that I came across that I’m really enjoying. Here’s Joshua lasix course on market research. And if the buyer from right there and I get 10, or 20%, or whatever, or or CFO services, I’m not a CFO, but I have a buddy who is and I get paid for that. So if you if I already know you’ve already bought all my highest level stuff, and then you buy something else, or you confirm your email address, why don’t I send you to someone else who services companies, and also the right size. My CFO, buddy mostly works with seven and eight figure companies. So if I’ve already asked you in a previous something and said, hey, what size company are you? You’ve already told me your 2 million? Well, then your thank you page ought to have things for that if I send you a thank you page. And it says, how to get your first 1000 email subscribers. And you’ve already told me the other $2 million company. It’s like, why would you trust me at that point. But if it’s how to million dollar companies, because of course you can merge fields into thank you pages, how to million dollar companies are getting their finances handled to the experience less stress and get more profits. And I have a little webinar right there with my buddy Jen. Okay, now that’s tailored right there, especially because we can further customize these based on surveys. I love surveys, I call them up surveys instead of upsells. And up survey, yep. If you buy something from me anything and I say which of these five things are bothering you the most right now or keeping you up at night. And let’s say one of them’s finances, finances and accounting. My software remembers that and the next time you opt in to anything on the page after that, and let’s say I already know how much money your companies add, I can have a webinar that I’ve done with my buddy, about the CFO talking about the exact problem. And let’s say you say you were $2 million, I can have a incredibly customers content. And at that point, it feels like wow, like this Brian guy, like, he really knows my problems. It’s because you told me what they were. And I listened. But it still looks really cool, right? Absolutely.


Chris Davis  31:59  

I love it. And it’s when you think about it, Brian, you know this, for the listeners when you start to talk about all of the pieces that a functional funnel needs, right to be profitable, optimize thank you page, perhaps you’ve got two to three thank you pages, depending on your audience, right? Maybe in the case where somebody is a financial in the financial services, just say, hey, do you need bookkeeping? Do you need wealth advising? Or do you need x, y, z, right. And depending on what they select, they see different messaging on that thank you page, even if it’s the same next action, and you start to realize, man, people who have over emphasized on lead magnet, this lead magnet, they’ve got 10s and 10s of lead magnets, right? They don’t really understand how to truly build up that full journey. And all of the optimization points and thank you pages. I mean, just think about what you said, opt in. That’s one thank you page, purchase something that’s another thank you page, purchase something again, that’s another thank you page, we’ve listed three thank you pages in one journey, chances are the listeners of this podcast that have all three of those pages fully optimized, is slim to none. Not that I’m you know, like doubting the accuracy of my listeners is just the nature of things is just, there’s so many and you don’t know until you know. So hopefully after listening to this podcast, you’re like, hey, let me go look at these things. Let me go look at these. thank you pages again. Tell me this, Brian, what what is the, to your in your experience? What’s the best usage of a thank you page that you’ve done? Or you’ve you’ve experienced?


Brian Keith  33:38  

Oh, what a good question. I think it’s actually that story about the failure. Yeah, getting text phone numbers, you know, if I had been aware of how successful it was going to be, we could have spent more resources before launching it critically, before launching it to design the text message funnel, and how that interacts with Facebook ads and email to get people to buy the flagship product in such a way that we could have been tracked. When people sign up, you know, we can track how many cents or dollars per SMS signup on that. Thank You page. Yeah. And then you could have related that to how much ad money we’re spending to get people to sign up for the opt in. Yeah, we didn’t have any of that built out. I was. I thought, this feels I smelled the money. This feels good. Let’s do it. It’s a great, yeah. But doing that without having built it up. Without having built the rest. The funnel ended up I completely understand their decision. It was like I’m starting to see my baby die. This huge list that I’ve helped them build, but it’s too much. They can’t use it. It’s not the right time. Yeah. Yeah. I think also part of the attraction here with SMS for me is that the SMS open rates are still over 90%. And we’re so cluttered back to the beginning of our conversation. We’re so inundated with information everywhere. But if you give people information through text message, and it’s Actually valuable and it’s not too much an actually makes their lives better. People are going to feel that way more. Because how often do you get how often have you opted in for actually true high quality content through SMS? Not that often. Yeah, right. Absolutely. Still, it’s an unpolluted channel, which market is to store everything, as Seth Godin says, and as your experience early with your unhealthy, abusive relationship with marketing, we have a chance as generally she minded entrepreneurs to go say what’s my best content is going to help people ascend in their lives. Like even that marriage example we gave, you opt in. And then it’s, hey, I have my seven things you must do if you want to save your marriage. Give me your phone number, I’ll text it to you. And then over the next seven days, you get them one thing per day, and it has a one sentence thing to do and a one sentence question on how to do a task for the day. Today, you will do this one thing to save your marriage that could change someone’s whole life. Absolutely.


Chris Davis  35:56  

I love it, man. And again, when people are listening, I want you all to be thinking strategically, of course, but thinking of how you can serve your audience better, faster. Right? How can I get them to? Because if they’re not going to figure it out on their own? How can you take them by the hand if opt in? is grabbing their hand? How can you pull them and guide them to the next step without them having to figure it out and creating a disjointed experience? Brian, man, I’ve got so so much appreciation for thank you pages in and we could go on for days about particular strategies or whatnot. But I want to be fair to you and your time and given our listeners access to you if they if they deem that hey, who what was this guy’s name again? How do I find them? How do people get in contact with your reach out to you to find out about more about what you do


Brian Keith  36:52  

a few options if you want to go get my latest book, the impact framework, which is my model of how all businesses function and thrive, that’s at redbeardimpact.com if you enjoyed hearing about plus this that tool that helps me better thank you pages. I documented that in my book on plus this called 20 easy ways to make more money with plus this that’s at redbearduniversity.com/book. If you want to see me be outrageous and controversial or growing your Twitter account, that’s red beard Brian on Twitter, if you just want to have a group hug and be community oriented, I’m on Facebook at Red Beard Brian.


Chris Davis  37:27  

Got it? Got it. So we’ll post those links in the show notes. Man this this was great. Brian, I can’t thank you enough. The the main takeaway for everybody today is go revisit your thank you pages. Oh, and I and I’ll be remissed without saying this one. Here’s one that I see people often overlook your contact form. contact forms are notorious for would thank you, we’ll be in touch shortly. Use that page to prepare them for whatever they submitted their information for put a video on there. use that opportunity man at all costs. When somebody gives you information everybody respond with the most value that you can give them to clarify the next step. While that yes, man so thank you for coming on Brian. Greatly appreciate it my friend. Okay, all right. Thank you for listening to this episode of the All systems go podcast do me a favor and share this with your local digital marketer. And by local I mean you close to you in proximity or close to you online that one that you know has all the digital marketing badges and all of the certifications funnel builders funnel experts share this with them to ensure that they are properly leveraging thank you pages the right way as all expert marketers should. Okay, and if you found value in today’s episode, please make sure you share it. But also make sure that you subscribe and leave that five star rating and review. It is greatly appreciated. Once you subscribe. You will not miss a single episode every Thursday we release a new one. Okay. Here at automation bridge. We’re dedicated to training the digital marketing professionals of the world to become automation service providers, experts, experts in the digital marketing field at automating profitable marketing, right, small businesses they really need people who can navigate the strategic and technical landscape, put it together to deploy automated systems in their business. And if that’s you, you are at the right place because what we’ve done is we’ve made it easy for you to access everything that you need. One URL gets you everything. Allsystemsgopodcast.com gets you access to the latest episodes. It gets you access to any of our automation packages that are that are equipped with curriculum they have community in there they have courses. Our packages are geared to teach you how to put automation Marketing and Sales systems in your business over the next six month, six months, okay, you even get access to our Facebook group and you can request or refer someone to be a guest for the podcast, and any resources or training that we ever mentioned on the podcast. Are there one URL gets you access to all that you need. Choose wisely, my friend. Allsystemsgopodcast.com. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. And until next time, I see you online. automate responsibly, my friends

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On the show, Chris reveals all of his automation strategies he has learned from working in (and with) a variety of SaaS companies so you can put your business on autopilot quickly and without error.

Discover how to deploy automated marketing, sales, and onboarding systems to scale your business without working long hours to do so.
Chris L. Davis - Chief Automation Officer
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Chris L. Davis

Chris is an Electrical Engineer turned entrepreneur and the Founder of Automation Bridge. He is an international speaker, facilitator, and startup consultant that specilalizes in scaling profitable processes.

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