Episode 75 - April 15, 2021

Shiny Objects and Customer Journeys feat. Jade Olivia

All Systems Go! Marketing Automation and Systems Building with Chris L. Davis
All Systems Go! Marketing Automation and Systems Building with Chris L. Davis
Shiny Objects and Customer Journeys feat. Jade Olivia
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Ep. 75 – There is one thing that many entrepreneurs have in common – shiny object syndrome. This week Chris is joined by special guest Jade Olivia to discuss how shiny objects can be distracting you from creating the customer journey that your customers deserve. Listen in to learn how to overcome this common entrepreneurial problem and keys to crafting an effective customer journey.

What You'll Learn

  • A great example of how you can use transferrable skills from other areas of life and combine those with automation
  • How Jade built her business using strategy and automation to help her clients stop spending the wrong money on the wrong things at the right time
  • Tips on how to create an effective and automated customer journey that doesn’t feel cold or robotic
  • A golden nugget automation that Jade uses for SMS accountability – you’ll be blown away by this

Today's Guest

As both a former professional cheerleader/dancer and currently as a successful marketing automation consultant, Jade combines those passions to educate and uplift entrepreneurs all over the world.

Resources Mentioned


ASG 075 – Shiny Objects and Customer Journeys feat. Jade Olivia

Chris Davis: [00:00:00] You’re listening to the All Systems Go podcast, the show that teaches you everything you need to know to put your business on autopilot, learn how to deploy automated marketing and sales systems in your business the right way with your host, the professor of automation himself and founder of Automation Bridge, Chris Davis.

Chris Davis: [00:00:32] Welcome to the All Systems Go podcast. I’m your host, Chris Davis, the founder and chief automation officer of automation, bridge, the place online to learn about small business, marketing and sales automation, where we focus on turning digital marketing professionals into automation service providers. And if you’d like to become an automation service provider or find out more, please visit automation bridge.com forward, slash a ASPEY in this episode. I want to cover. I want to I want to discuss overcoming a shiny object syndrome so that you can effectively craft the right or I should say the profitable customer journey with Jade Olivia. And she is both a former professional cheerleader and dancer and currently a successful marketing automation consultant. Jade combines those passions to educate and uplift entrepreneurs all over the world. And you will get a feel of jades energy the minute I ask her how she’s doing. And what I liked about recording this podcast is that there is a gem in here. We came on and we are talking about a shiny object syndrome and how it’s distracting from really crafting the customer journey that your your customers deserve. And Jade said something and we went on on a great tangent for you all. And she uncovered in automation and some of the things that she’s using in that automation.

Chris Davis: [00:02:11] Trust me, you will enjoy it. You will enjoy it. It it blessed me now to say, wait a minute, Jade, what was that? Automation again. So that’s in this episode. Before we jump into it, if you’re new to the podcast, make sure that you listen to this episode in its entirety so you know exactly what you’re subscribing and writing and reviewing. OK, I would love to tell you, just do it blindly, but it’s better and it’s it’s a lot stronger. When is your decision based on the content that you’ve heard? OK, so if you have not so if you listen to it in its entirety at the end, I’ll give you your invitation. For those of you who are listeners and not subscribe, we’re an Apple podcast. Google podcast. You could even subscribe on YouTube, OK? And while you’re at it, your five star ratings and reviews will be greatly appreciated. If you’re struggling in any capacity trying to figure out how to leave a review, go to automationbridge.com/review, post it there and will handle the rest for you. All right. Let’s jump right into today’s episode. Jade, welcome to the podcast, glad to have you on. How are you doing?

Jade Olivia: [00:03:20] I’m amazing. Best day of my life

Chris Davis: [00:03:24] Is funny because now that I’ve had a chance to meet you, everybody would know by the end of this podcast why that answer was a of the most appropriate answer for you. All right. You know, that’s why it’s the best day. So we’re here today. What I’m really looking forward to is talking about the customer journey. Here’s what I find. You can never talk too much about the customer journey. There’s so many aspects. And when it’s oversimplified with the word funnel, it really doesn’t do it. It’s true justice. Right. So we’ll talk about that and how shiny object syndrome it gets us. All right. Like it gets all of us. But before we jump into it, tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in your business.

Jade Olivia: [00:04:16] Yeah, well, first of all, it’s awesome to be here. I’m a fan. Your voice is extremely soothing. Thank you. Thank you. And educate myself and get in at the same time. It’s amazing. I love it. So I’m a fan, really happy to be here. But I thought this was an excellent fit. And I’m so glad to share this information because I kind of hit a lot of shared aspects of your audience and the things that we’re all trying to accomplish. You know, I am an entrepreneur. I was not always an entrepreneur. So I you know, I was I was once a grossly underpaid nine to fiver broke free from that all the trials and tribulations, emotional ups and downs of being a business owner. I’m also a single mother of three kids, five and under no challenges that thank you very covid And just everything is just constantly stretching and growing and changing. And and and that’s why, you know, like you said, the customer journey is so applicable to everything at all times. It doesn’t matter if you’re a new business, an established business and growing business, a business, an erratic business. This is applicable. It’s like a you know, those you know, back when we were kids in school, they had the overhead projector with, like, the clear thing that they would like dry erase. If you just constantly lay that on top of your business is like something to look through, like the framework to adjust. It’s so helpful and kind of helps you find your you can take a deep breath when it’s all over the place. But yeah, I share a lot of things in common with your with your listeners and a lot of experiences. And we all have our are unique trials and tribulations of course. But I, I speak well and I listen, I listen and I bond with your, with your guests and with their audiences as well.

Chris Davis: [00:06:10] Yeah. Yeah. So, so let me poke a little bit here because I’m always interested in piecing together where you were with where you are now when you were a nine to five. What was that and then what was the event that led you to transition from it?

Jade Olivia: [00:06:28] Wow. OK, so I used to be, like I said, extremely underpaid. But I always like like, well, like all entrepreneurs, wildly creative and excitable. And I’ve always had bigger dreams and thought these things would be given to me. And of course they never were. So you kind of break free and create it for yourself at some point when you hit your wall. So my wall was hit last year in March at the same time that the world was being locked down, schools were closing in and the restrictions were really taking effect and people were understanding the enormity of it all. I also I broke up with my husband, who I’ve been with since I was nineteen years old, and he’s he’s a great, great, great man. And we were just kind of like suffocating each other emotionally. He’s a phenomenal human being. But in order for me to grow and for him to grow, we just we couldn’t we couldn’t stay together. So I moved out. I’ve never lived alone before because we’ve been together for so long. And I went from like this from an unhealthy, like codependent relationship to trying things on my own for the first time. And then I also quit my job because it was kind of like it. Now we’re never kind of a thing where, you know, like the s.h.i.t.

Jade Olivia: [00:07:48] hit the fan with, like friendships and relationships and things were just kind of like at this attention point where I was like, I just got to cut it all just so. Yeah. So I was in it. I was an Infusionsoft user at my previous job. And having been a little chummy with some of the people in the community, the the greater community, I said, should I get myself certified? And they were like, absolutely. And then. From there, I realized and this isn’t this isn’t exclusive to keep him when you’re when you’re an entrepreneur and you’re around other entrepreneurs, like I was high. That’s it. Like being around people that same like we can change the world with an idea of mindset and what our boundaries, they don’t exist for us. My mindset. And what if we change our mind and do something different today type mindset. And I was like, you’re my people. I can’t be anywhere else ever again. And every person I met was so kind and caring and gave me so much guidance and advice. And every person I met opened five more doors open, five more doors open, five more doors and be part of it. I’m not great at math, but let’s just pretend we know what that means.

Chris Davis: [00:09:04] The exponential growth now. Thank you for sharing that because that that helps piece some of the puzzle together where, you know, the transferable skills. And sometimes we’re aware that the skills we’re developing on our job are transferable in a way, and sometimes we’re not. So for you to be able to get exposure to Infusionsoft early in and really limit some of the choices, right. Like, OK, well, maybe I should just go and deal with this and it and it’s again, it’s it’s, um, it’s paid to Infusionsoft because I can’t imagine I don’t know if they keep, I should say keep. But if you stop by keep, I don’t know if they can quantify how many businesses in the automation space they have truly birthed. Because because I’m one of them, like that was my first certification ever. And they equipped me with so many tools and resources to be confident, you know, because that’s the biggest thing when you start specific to marketing. Automation is it was new, especially when I got certified. But it’s still very new now. And a lot of I guess it’s not specific to marketing automation, just any anywhere how you show up your pricing, you know what you offer. It’s all a reflection of what you believe about yourself. Right. And sometimes the market can be screaming, you’re better, you’re greater. But if you don’t believe it and you don’t have that confidence, you’re always going to operate at the level that you believe that you should. So when when I got certified, they gave me so many resources. I did. I felt like, hey, look, I can do this and I could do it at a very high level and demand prices accordingly, you know? So, yeah, that’s that’s that’s that’s a really I’m still taking a back at you know, you could have taken the approach like, wait a minute. Too many things changing at once. Only one thing is allowed to change. And I have to keep everything constant till I get a hold of this. And to this day, you know what? Where’s where’s that red switch that just blows everything off?

Jade Olivia: [00:11:26] Exactly.

Chris Davis: [00:11:28] That switch. And I have to say, you know, in our short time knowing each other, you have it sounds like you’ve really found you, you know, in the process. And now you stand before us today with the customer journey in your crosshairs and this this inspirational, like firebug, like this bright light when it’s dark, it’s like, oh, look at all of those lights, you know, that that it appears to me that’s how I view you for these entrepreneurs to really help in a community aspect because the community was so helpful for you, you know, to give back. But let let’s let’s get into the topic here. And we’re we’re talking about the customer journey, OK? And this is like, hey, so listeners, we didn’t rehearse this. I’m going to try to put Jade on the spot. But I have a feeling that she’s just going to like it’s just going to cause her to excel. Right. So I’m going to ask you this question, Jade. What qualifies you to speak on shiny object syndrome?

Jade Olivia: [00:12:38] Oh, that’s an excellent question, though. So the life, the life cycle, marketing, customer journey concept, it’s not owned by Keap. And in a lot of ways, it’s it’s kind of business 101. But it’s one of those things that’s so foundational and basic and that, you know, once you once you leave your first day of school, you get excited about everything else. You learning. So, yeah, abandoned all too often. And in the last year, as a marketing automation consultant, almost every single one of my clients has been an established business that already had. And I had to go in and fix stuff, it’s not that the things that I were fixing were they didn’t have bad providers or bad tools and services or bad advice before. But that’s the beauty of the customer journey, is that it’s like, OK, there’s lots of cool stuff out there, but what are you going to focus on and what are you going to focus on it with and where are you going to spend your time and money? And I have spent the last year and making quite a bit of money fixing people who are spending the wrong money on the wrong things at the right time. So I could go in and patch things up and apply this lens on top of it and say, OK, let’s take a deep breath. Where are people falling off and where should we actually spend your money?

Chris Davis: [00:13:57] Yeah, I mean, that’s a powerful statement, right? Spending your money on the wrong things at the right time. Oh, I cringe just thinking about it. Yeah. Because it happens too often and it’s you know, anybody that’s been listening to this podcast knows that one of the solutions is to start with strategy, because if you don’t start with strategy, there’s no way to determine the technology. So when you come in, you come in and you’re driving what I call the automation ambulance. We all drive it in some capacity, you know, and you’re coming in and you’re fixing what are some of the what would you say are some of the trends that you’re seeing? It doesn’t matter what type of business that really draws people to fall into this shiny object syndrome it when they think that they’re actually being conducive to building up the customer journey.

Jade Olivia: [00:14:56] Right. Well, the funny thing is, is that as a marketer, generally speaking, I’m helping people who were sold on something by really good marketers. Like we’re all doing this to ourselves because, I mean, you know, you sell a shiny object, which we all do, and you believe in it and you believe that it can really help people. But again, so here’s my favorite example. When I think people, especially people outside of digital marketing, I say think about someone who has had a huge impact on your life, your spouse, a teacher, when you were a kid, someone who just, like, changed your life. Now, think about if that person had done that thing, maybe you’ve met your spouse or maybe that teacher gave you that piece of advice. What if that had happened five years before or five years after mom would especially relationships? It’s all about timing. What if you met your spouse five years later? Well, then they might be married someone else or you might not be single. Or what if that teacher told you, get your shit together, get your stuff together and but you didn’t need it at that time. You didn’t need a butt kicking yet. You know, it the same goes for do you need pop up ads on your website? Do you need a chat bot? Do you need help now. You need ASMs. Do you need this. Do you need that. They’re all amazing. None of these things suck. You don’t suck. It sucks. It’s all the power of right place. Right time. And this is a great it’s like that the personal glasses you’re looking through and everything’s all shiny and sparkly but it’s really just one little thing. Yeah. And that one little thing, the laser focus on and then by the shiny thing for that.

Chris Davis: [00:16:45] Yeah. Yeah. It’s efficiency right. Trimming the fat and getting to the core of what’s going to move you forward. So what are some of the what are some of the things that you what is your strategy. Let me let me ask it like that. What is what is your strategic approach to identifying the right time.

Jade Olivia: [00:17:07] Oh great question. I ask a lot of questions and stop talking. So, you know, for those of you who are familiar with the beautiful picture that they keep themselves made and they give they provide for their for their certified partners, is it a picture where the concept itself is the picture and then altitude number two is collecting leads, converting clients, creating fans three very simple phases before they buy, when they buy and after they buy. And then there’s three sub phases of each of those. So in of those nine things from no one knows you to your best customer ever, I just simply ask I say, what do you do for this one? And if they’re not sure, I say, well, some people do this and they have an opt in on our website or are like, oh yeah, yeah, OK. Or sometimes they don’t have anything. Sometimes it’s word of mouth. And all I do is ask, what do you do for this? And I ask that nine times and I have not yet gotten to the ninth one because and to answer your question even more accurately, people are more often than not front heavy and don’t focus on the back end. Oh, my goodness. So they’re all hot, like, oh, we bought this thing and the sales funnel and all of this cool stuff. And then they they’re getting people and they’re just bombarded after that. They don’t really have a lot of organization afterwards. So people get really excited about getting their clients and don’t tend to them well enough where they could easily multiply their business exponentially because then you’re not paying for those leads if they come back.

Chris Davis: [00:18:43] Yeah, Jade, I have to say how refreshing it is to hear what you just said, because here’s what I hear is there was a framework given to me that I believed in and I worked the framework. And every time I worked the framework, it works well, you know, every time. Every time. Right. And I have a similar one. I call mine the significant six. But, you know, I train, you know, digital marketing professionals how to ask the questions for each one. And it’s just like what you said it. Your business can be as complex as we make it or as easy as we allow it to be. Right. And let me not say easy as straightforward, OK? Because I don’t want people to think easy with anything, but as straightforward as we allow it to be. And how how easy would it be for you to abort those nine questions and get fancy all of a sudden? You know what? It’s working. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s producing great results. But I want to create something new. I’m going to ask just the this 10th and 11th question and see. So tell me a little bit, because I as a console, as a successful consultant, people need to hear, especially in my audience, the importance of having a framework, sticking to that framework because everyone has one, you know, keep is not exclusive. I’m not exclusive. The next framework somebody purchases or whatever, it’s not exclusive. What’s exclusive is the effort that you put into it. So just tell me a talk to the audience a bit about why you why you you do. And you were able to just stick with that framework and really produce big results. Just sticking with that.

Jade Olivia: [00:20:33] Yeah, great question, and I have two answers to that. First and foremost, I am my first case study when I quit my job. And I would I would take any it, any and every client that knew my name. And so I to this day and I’ve kept all them. So I’m grateful for for the business. But also half of my clientele is like very mix and match. That’s not really in line with this kind of calm, collective process that I have now. I agree with that and keap did a great job training me and I attend every and and every conference and opportunity that jumps in front of me. I’m just hungry as hell for that kind of thing because I’m still learning. But so I’m my first case study of not applying that framework where I was just like, OK, I’ll take this. And I’m still system systematizing myself and figuring out how to keep everyone happy and fulfilled all around. So that’s the first answer. But secondly, I think what my unique approach is, because, again, this is not proprietary to keep or you, like you said, what my unique approach is, is that if you recall a little bit ago, I was saying it’s not that any of these things suck.

Jade Olivia: [00:21:44] You don’t suck. I have I have a particular term about me where when I when I talk through these stages with them, I’m less like implementor engineer kind of. Let’s just write this down. Some people call it their playbook. That’s not my that’s not me and I. I wouldn’t sell that very well. What my edge is, is that like people, I can feel the weight coming off of them when they realize, like, hey, you have good stuff and you’re a good person. And I always say my catchphrases. You’re doing great all the time, and I say it so often, that actually started a membership called You’re Doing Great because we we don’t get told enough and we’re all like, you know, if you get stuck in the moment, you’re like, I’m stressed. This one thing isn’t working. I spent so much money on this. I don’t know where my why my sales aren’t converting. I don’t know what’s happening. And I’m like, OK, first of all. You’re doing great. Let’s take a deep breath.

Chris Davis: [00:22:49] I just felt in

Chris Davis: [00:22:52] My

Chris Davis: [00:22:52] Words, but you just said that and I felt calm. Yeah, that’s

Jade Olivia: [00:22:58] Real. And when I say it, it’s authentic, too. I mean, what I’m being silly. I say it sarcastically, like, you’re doing great, honey, you know, but anyone who knows me knows that I do say it all the time and I mean it from my heart. I am a mom. I’m a I’m a sensitive soul. I I love people. I like to care for people. So I say it and I mean it. And it comes across very authentic.

Chris Davis: [00:23:23] Yeah. Yeah. I you know, you bring up you bring up community and I’m a strong proponent of community. I think that entrepreneurship can get lonely and at times the more successful you get, the more lonely you get. But there’s there’s enough loneliness at every level, you know, to go around. And I feel like everybody needs that place to go where they can unclothed and be them. They don’t have to have the masks. And if I don’t know something, I can say it here. And I’m not looked at as, you know, not official. Like every expert needs a community, every consultant starting experience because everybody needs community. So what went into into your your decision to to create the community that you have?

Jade Olivia: [00:24:19] I actually attended Tribe Live, so Steve McClaren and anyone who has a membership knows who Steve McClaren is, he is the go to for running a membership business. And I am Greg Jenkins, monkey pod community manager, because I just can’t get enough of these people. They’re all amazing. So Greg’s community is very, very large and very, very engaged. So he brought me on his team to give them some of that good old. You’re doing great TLC. And he and I attended Tribe Live Together. He brought me on as his team and. I love Zoom chat like I’m the one that’s like you’re doing great. And then, like, all of a sudden I’m everybody’s best friend in the room in the middle of a presentation. I’m like, oh, my God. Yeah, you have kids. I have kids. Well, you’re doing great. So the tribe life was so big that there were 12 sub zoom rooms of three hundred people. So I was in the room 11 and we still have a Facebook group were all best friends that I started it throughout the chat. I you know, this whole last year has been creating myself. So I was expressing myself about that. Like, you know, I’m still figuring out who are going to be, when I grew up kind of a thing. And everyone was like, yeah, they were like, you keep saying you’re doing great sort of membership. And I was like, what? And they about 20 people said, shut up and take my money. So I accidentally started. You’re doing great in the chat, love. I love it, love it and made it up from there. And I had a light bulb moment after it happened because, I mean, people jumped in for the year doing great spirit.

Jade Olivia: [00:25:56] And I was like, how can I turn this into something more than that? Yeah, I had a light bulb moment where I was like, I can apply my marketing automation skills to this. So I got a Keap app for it. And I built in using plus this SMS and sequence tools I built in a text accountability program. And that solves the two biggest problems that entrepreneurs have. Number one is not having enough of their people around them. So the community solves that. The accountability is huge because when you’re an entrepreneur and your own boss, well, we could we could get lost going like, oh, why don’t you just today, anyone do this today? What it is today, we’re too creative and excitable that it’s kind of hard to focus on the nitty gritty right in front of you. And our dreams are so lofty that we need to take the steps to get there. So I created a program using automation, using the keap campaign builder, where people they get texts where they they can reply with your goal. I’m going to blank by Friday. And then on Friday, it’s like, hey, did you blank yet reply yes or no? And depending on their answer, I’m storing the data in the back. And so if they reply no, too many times we can give them a little extra like, hey, you know, what do you need a little thing, a lot of yeses. So it’s this combination of like my you’re doing great spirit, but also like, let’s build things.

Chris Davis: [00:27:18] Jade, I have to pause, because that was amazing how you just describe your SMS accountability, and here here’s my I know my listeners like I can foresee I don’t know when this episode is going live, but somebody just heard that and it clicked. They’re like, oh, that’s how we can do it. Ah. You know, you’re using SMS for accountability. So you check in and then they respond and you’re logging these responses to see patterns to help those who are falling away, not to, you know, not to get too deep into, you know, the mechanics. But I’m intrigued myself. How are you? I know you’re using plus this for the for The SMS. What are you using for storing the the data? Are you storing that in there Infusionsoft account? Are you storing it somewhere else where you can visualize the trends across the entire database.

Jade Olivia: [00:28:13] Their temporary weekly goal gets stored in a custom field. Pretty simple, but when they answer yes or no, I use the plus the snap tool to accumulate points for yes and no. And then every week it runs through a decision diamond and says if it reaches more than three yeses, like that’s what I give them a shout on social media if they’ve been kicking butt lately and like Chris, what’s up? You’re amazing. And if I get if they reach up to three nos, then I’ll reach out. Personally, I’d be like, hey, what? How can I support you? I don’t know everything, but I know a lot of really good people that. Yeah, a lot of stuff.

Chris Davis: [00:28:49] Jade, you embody you embody what I what I aspire every marketing automation professional to do, and that is really leverage technology to deliver to you the most qualified lead for whatever action is appropriate at that time. Right. So you’ve got out you’ve got lead scoring applied internally to send the notification to you to shout them out externally or reach out internally. And the reason why I love this so much is because you can always tell, like just in our in our conversation, I could tell, you know, what you’re doing, but you can always tell somebody who’s familiar with technology versus somebody who’s familiar with building systems because they’re separate. Right. Somebody who’s familiar with technology. They’ve got a bunch of app sumo deals. Right. They they they may be using some email service provider that like the newest one, like when Kartra launched, I knew everybody who signed up for Kartra told me exactly who they were. I knew that entire crowd. Oh, I wouldn’t have pinged you. But since you’re using this brand new tool, when all of these other established tools, you know, were available. So those are people who like shiny object technology. I love it. Love it. This this this and that. But then the people who actually build systems for for that system that you built, Jade, you can’t buy that funnel. Right. Like you can’t download a sequence of landing pages in importable automations that do what you just said that took you saying, OK, what do I need done? OK, so based on this, OK, yesses mean this. Hey, actually. Fourneau So there was a process that you were working and then as you work that process you identified, OK, here’s my interest Indicator’s, good and bad. How do I build a system to deliver those to me in an automated fashion?

Jade Olivia: [00:30:56] Yes, and automation is not impersonal. It’s anything but, you know, it allows me to be me and serve my members in the most me way possible, which is a pretty unique energy. So, you know, the responses to their goal setting is gif’s because I speak, I speak in gifs and everyone who knows me knows that I can have entire conversations about typing a word. Yes. So, you know, they get gifs back and and just lots and lots of like, hey, I’m here for you. And I can embody that in my automation.

Chris Davis: [00:31:34] I love it. I love it. I, I did not come up with this. I often say automation is a magnifier. Just makes makes you makes what you’re doing more, you know, more and more prevalent, more seen. But I can’t remember who told me what when I was saying like yeah. Automation is like the greatest wingman you ever have. I was like, you know what, they’re that’s true. Like it sets you up to win all the time. Whether you want to use a sports analogy, the greatest store of value, you know, the club or whatever, but it is in those who understand how to leverage it, leverage it as such. So it’s it’s it’s so necessary, so necessary for consultants to hear this conversation, Jade, so that they understand their value and what they bring. And I know we’re coming coming close to our time, but just share because I want to give I can say it, but I feel like it’s just different when it comes from you all who are, you know, consultants in the space. What are some of the words that you hear these business owners say to you when you’ve actually done what they’ve been trying to do but have been distracted by the shiny object syndrome and you’ve come in and and rein things in, said, OK, this is what we’re focusing on. They buy in, you get the system built, they get results. What are some of the words they use to you to explain that experience?

Jade Olivia: [00:33:08] More often than not, they get a little silly with me and they say, Jade, you’re doing great, right? They use it back on me. I’m like, yes, we did it. The clarity is a word that comes up a lot. You know, I. I mean, this I’m not I don’t mean to downplay, like, my experience and my expertise at all, but I’m definitely not the not the smartest digital marketer. I’m not the most systematise with the most experience with the you know, I’m not the most anything. I think where my talent lies is like my energy and my caring that I realized by technological expertise. So I do I tend to attract clients who share that. We share that kind of sensitivity. And they just want they want someone to care for them the way that they care for their business. And I’m like, I get it. I’m here for you. You’re doing great. And I don’t have any clients that don’t appreciate that type of approach to attract people that are a little rough around the edges, let’s say.

Chris Davis: [00:34:23] Yeah, yeah. And the reason why I say that is because sometimes as a consultant, you don’t really know until you’ve done it the transformation and the feeling that you will give somebody with your skills and your knowledge. You know, but I love the fact that you use the word clarity because I’ve found that clarity is currency, you know, so if if somebody says, oh, my gosh, things are so, so clear, I value that more than somebody saying, hey, I just made ten thousand dollars in ten minutes. Thank you, Chris, because I know you’ve seen this. You can stumble your way to 10000, 20000, 30000 dollars. That does not mean you have clarity. You know what you get, you know what you did. And you can repeat it when somebody says it’s now clear. That lets me know you are now an owner of the understanding which remove me. You’ll be closer to being able to reproduce this for yourself, because now you can see. So I love clarity. I think it is something that should be on the crosshairs of every consultant is to provide the maximum level of clarity and all that you do, which which also means transparency. So last question for you. When you are when you are, you know, hey, I’m building the system. Do you have a hey, get your hand out the cookie jar. Don’t worry. Don’t worry about what I’m doing. Just when it’s done, you’re there or are you so much when they ask questions like, hey, look, here’s what’s going on, like what is what is your approach?

Jade Olivia: [00:36:03] Oh, well, what’s nice about this approach, too, is that it works every time, so it’s repeatable. So I have a win with the client and it’s not OK. Bye. See you later. It’s what’s next. And another thing about that, too, is that it’s always ongoing income because even if what their next needs are, I can’t do, which happens a lot. I’m not an expert in everything. I’m just helping you diagnose more or less. And sometimes I can do especially with keap. But kepp is not at all in one solution. So a lot of times I’ll do an interview process with a potential client and I’ll walk through. I’ll do the questions with nine stages and I’ll say, you know what? You really need someone who’s awesome at wordpress. That is not my expertise. I’m going to give you to someone that I know and I trust. And when that person needs something that I’m good at, they always come back to me.

Chris Davis: [00:37:02] I love it. You’re the the source for the solution as well as the resource. And at times it is it is valuable, just as valuable, if not more to be resourceful. And I love I love your identification of not claiming to be an expert at everything. Right. I mean, it takes time to be to say a confident no, like, I don’t know, you know, like but I can find somebody that, you know, can help you with that. So I can’t thank you enough for your time on the podcast today. This was extremely enlightening for me. I had a lot of fun, as you know, as. It’s not hard for me to have fun when I’m in front of somebody intelligent and had some some experience on the battlefield, you know, so how can our listeners stay connected with you?

Jade Olivia: [00:37:53] Oh, great question. So the membership, if you if you want to be told you’re doing great, it’s youredoinggreat.today because you are doing great today. You totally are. And so, truth be told, I might have to get back to you on that, because the reason I’m here with you today is because I’ve actually decided to start pivoting away from consulting because I’m enjoying this conversation. We had so much that I’m in the process of building a new brand right now that’s exclusively for speaking, speaking and influencing on this topic and then exclusively passing the leads off to qualified providers that I know and trust. Just like I just said a few minutes ago, I’m going to build a legit business around that model. So I’m building those channels right now. Probably going to watch that in the next week. You’re my second speaking gig on this topic, so I’m super stoked. Yes, it’s been really fun. And the reason I’m doing it, here’s my closing comment. Might the reason I’m doing this is because of these people. I started from nothing a year ago and now I have more business than I can handle.

Jade Olivia: [00:39:06] And I have to say no to a lot of people. And it’s not because I’m the smartest person in the room. It’s because I know a lot of really, really great people. And every time I meet someone amazing and smart and they give me so much. Then I need another person and I and more doors keep opening over and over again, and it’s it’s these people. And if I can do anything to inspire more entrepreneurs to stop wasting money and getting the right thing at the right time, and if I can give them to someone to actually provide that service that I know is really, really good at that and I can earn passive income doing that, that that’s the dream. And obviously I like talking so it a fit. And I want to serve and I want to I want to turn this into something bigger than the small handful I can handle consulting myself. Yeah. I will let you know. So I hopefully by the time you record this, we’ll have something a little more that by the time we distribute this well something a little more solid.

Chris Davis: [00:40:02] Yeah. What will they at least have Youredoinggreat.today to go to. And you know, when you’re talking, I just hear impact like you’re looking to make a bigger impact in. Oh yeah. Hats off. Always, always an honorable approach, especially when you’re when you’re doing so with authenticity and integrity. So thank you. Thank you for coming on to the podcast. Jade, this was such a great time. I really appreciate it.

Jade Olivia: [00:40:30] Thanks for having me.

Chris Davis: [00:40:31] Yes. Yes. And I’ll see you online. Yeah.

Jade Olivia: [00:40:34] Bye, everybody.

Chris Davis: [00:40:36] Thank you for listening to this episode with All Systems Go podcast, and I have to say this, I am not an I told you so type of person, but I feel like it’s appropriate here. I told you. I told you we were going to discuss in automation building a nugget in this podcast. And I just love the application of lead scoring and how she used that to to to monitor sentiment and and react to it in a way where that was, you know, congratulatory or in another way to say, hey, wait a minute, what’s what’s going on here? So as you already are doing, continue to think of ways that you can use automation to aid you along the customer journey. It’s not just about the customer. It’s about you as well. You’re you realize that that you’re part of the customer journey yet. So if you didn’t hopefully this this podcast, her example of her automation, her enthusiasm, her experience as a consultant, gives you encouragement and understanding of of what’s in store for you in the space of automation. So so who needed to hear this? I can this one this episode is good for every marketing automation consultant, you know, every every digital marketing professional, you know, anybody who is responsible for marketing the results, measuring, optimizing, strategizing. This is a good one because Gayed is walking the shoes that they are walking right now or will walk, OK? And she did a great job of really detailing her path, her journey.

Chris Davis: [00:42:22] And you can hear it and how she talks. That’s what it that’s this this is what success looks like in the space. OK, so if you found today’s episode valuable, now is the time that I would ask for you to leave that five star rating and review, especially if you’re a first time listener. This is my formal invitation of you to subscribe and join the family of small businesses and enterprises of listeners of the All Systems Go podcast. They get notified every Thursday when a new episode drops. Here at Automation Bridge, we’re dedicated to turning digital marketing professionals into automation service providers. That is, people who understand strategy and technology can match them in a way to deploy automated marketing and sales systems in your business for immediate growth and impact. OK, so if that’s you, if you if that’s what you want to be responsible for, that’s what you want to do for a living. You want to create a career in automation. I want you to go to automationbridge.com/ASP and take the next steps to talk to myself or someone on my team to assess if you be a good fit for any of our current program offerings. More more specifically, our automation service provider program that we run in groups we run these in cohorts where you’re coupled with a with other automation service providers in training and we go through the curriculum together.

Chris Davis: [00:43:53] OK, so it gives you a formal means of learning all of the expertise that you need to show up confidently and provide an excellent service of automation for the industry. All right. We’re also accepting guests for the podcast. So if you’re a SAS founder of a marketing or sales software, we love to discuss your software in your journey. And also, if you’re a marketing automation consultant like Jade and you’re experiencing success with your clients and you like to share that with the collective audience, we’d like to invite you to be a guest as well. So go to Automationbridge.com/guest. I can’t stress the urgency here. The time is now that small businesses need more than ever. You heard Jade say she’s she’s not taking any more clients. She’s booked. OK, so where do those people go who can’t get access to her? Who can’t get access to the next consultant? Well, the answer is you. If you step up, if you step up, OK, the need is there. The need is there is your willingness. If it is, go to automationbridge.com/Asp and let’s talk. All of the show notes and podcasts are accessible at Automation Bridge.com/podcast. You can subscribe there and listen to all other episodes at your leisure. So until next time I see you online Otomi response my friends.


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We’re currently accepting guests for the podcast that are SaaS owners, marketing automation consultants, and digital professionals that have produced high results with automation.

If that’s you, or you’d like to recommend someone, click here to apply to be a guest.

About the Show

On the show, Chris reveals all of his automation strategies he has learned from working in (and with) a variety of SaaS companies so you can put your business on autopilot quickly and without error.

Discover how to deploy automated marketing, sales, and onboarding systems to scale your business without working long hours to do so.
Chris L. Davis - Chief Automation Officer
Your Host

Chris L. Davis

Chris is an Electrical Engineer turned entrepreneur and the Founder of Automation Bridge. He is an international speaker, facilitator, and startup consultant that specilalizes in scaling profitable processes.

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