Ep. 183 – Chris sits down with Scott Moran, co-founder of SamCart, the leading checkout solution for digital creators. Scott shares eye-opening data from SamCart’s 2023 Creator Profit Report, including the surprising number of clicks needed to power a six-figure business, the conversion rates of different traffic sources (You may be surprised at the top performer), and the critical importance of generating repeat sales from existing customers. He also shares actionable insights on maximizing customer lifetime value, expanding product offerings, and leveraging data-driven analytics to identify growth opportunities. Don’t miss this episode packed with valuable strategies to increase sales conversions and drive sustainable revenue growth for your business.
Increased Sales Conversions by the Numbers feat. Scott Moran

What You'll Learn
- 3:01 – Scott shares the original inspiration and mission behind creating SamCart
- 7:47 – How SamCart revolutionized the checkout experience compared to other tools
- 19:09 – The key conversion-focused features and designs that SamCart provides
- 24:23 – How many monthly clicks it takes to power a six-figure online business
- 28:26 – How the conversion rates of different traffic sources compare – according to data
- 34:31 – Why repeat customers are so critical
- 38:44 – Ways to effectively increase customer lifetime value and average order value
- 42:10 – What differentiates the analytics and dashboards in SamCart compared to other payment processors
- 51:41 – Where you can access the full 2023 Creator Profit Report and learn more about SamCart
Today's Guest
Scott is the co-founder of SamCart, the #1 checkout solution for digital creators. Home to more than 17,000 creators who have sold over $3.5 billion of their own courses, services, and more. Prior to SamCart, Scott spent years running his own digital product brands. Two-time girl dad. Baltimore Orioles super fan. Whatever you’re doing online, Scott is here to help you make (and keep) more money.
Resources Mentioned
- SamCart
- The 2023 Creator Profit Report
- Subscribe to the Automation Bridge YouTube Channel
- Start Your Automation Bridge Community Membership
- Watch the 3 Segments Webinar Training
Narrator 0:00
You’re listening to the all systems go podcast, the show that teaches you everything you need to know to put your business on autopilot. Learn how to deploy automated marketing and sell systems in your business the right way with your host, the professor of automation himself and founder of automation bridge, Chris Davis.
Chris 0:32
Welcome everybody to another episode of The all systems go podcast. I’m your host, Chris L. Davis, and I, you all know, you all know the routine, I do my best, I do my best to go and find the best to talk about the best stuff that’s applicable to you. And in this episode, where we’re going to remind you of the power of processing payments online, for one. And to give you a really good example of why you just can never really trust your gut fully all the time. Because there are times where we think or feel things should be one way or not. And the data tells us otherwise. So I have today, the co founder of Sam cart. Okay, and Scott is going to come on in first introduce Sam cart, I don’t want to assume any of you know what it is? And you’re like, oh, yeah, I’ve heard of that. I want to first introduce it, because this may be the software you’ve been looking for. Okay. And then because Scott and Brian have been in the game for so long, so long, they’ve got tons of data, not only that, they respect data, and they recently ran a report that is going to shock I’m this is not hyperbole, this is going to shock you some of the data that you’re going to see that we’re going to talk about because when I read it, it was just kind of like no way. So we’re gonna let Scott Scott a detail all of it, and we’re gonna have an intelligent conversation around it. So So let me introduce Scott. He is the co founder of Sam cart, the number one checkout solution for digital creators, home to more than 17,000 creators who have sold over 3.5 billion that’s a B, just in case I didn’t put enough inflection on it billion of their own courses, services and more prior to SamCart Scott spent years running his own digital product brands to time girl dead Baltimore, Baltimore, Orioles superfan whatever you’re doing online, Scott is here to help you make and keep more money, Scott, and let me say this to a good friend, everybody. Good friend.
Scott Moran 3:01
Excited to be here, man. This is gonna be i i was telling you. I love talking about this kind of stuff that when I was writing this whole report that we’re gonna catch up with you in mind, like I’m writing. Like, by marketing automation people are gonna get so what’s falling around the world? Chris Wright first time we hung out 2015 2014 made me. Yeah, we were just in a minute. Our kids are older. We don’t go to different places. But we’re excited man, great range from really? Honestly, I think you’re right, right. Like, I’m reading this, I kind of know what to expect. Like, for me who’s been listening for a long time. It’s like, like, do some of it. I’m so excited to share theories all the time. So listen,
Chris 3:56
listen, everybody buckle up. This is one you’re going to enjoy, you’re going to rewind, and I’m going to tell you this in advance the report that Scott is going to be talking about, we’re going to make it available for you all okay? So you’ll be able to lay your own eyes on it and make your make your decisions and judgments for yourself. So let’s start from the top Scott, Sam cart, the number one checkout solution for digital creators. We’re not just saying that because you can just claim it. But let’s give give our audience a bit of insight of the origins of Sam cart who you are in how you’ve been serving the entrepreneurs and small businesses. Totally.
Scott Moran 4:39
You know, the short version is myself and my brother Brian. Obviously Chris knows my older brother as you guys have seen on the internet, shorter in kinda looks like you know, we both we both had digital products like that. We did prior to launching. We had our first one was a small training website, Brian Frick Hello, Colin college baseball player player, we got going good, good. He’s like that guy. So we launched this Facebook marketing brand called sharing how to grow an email list and do all sorts of stuff, we publish, photography, space, just all kinds of fun stuff. So Halo three was a video game we didn’t I was like, like, doing the research to get really good at that stuff in a second, but you backup to some of the 2013 and 2014 ahead of us credit card, the tools that we were using to run these businesses that were in the low seven figures in revenue, and we’re always trying to, you know, we’re trying to kind of you have made a living, you know, you’ve dedicated the last 10 years of your career becoming a pro at marketing automation, putting the right the right offer in front of the right person, right, you know, and that was what really led us to do SIM cards bastardizing these other tools to try to fit them they would do things like maximize maximize my heart Carter’s or maximize, you know, backpack sales and lifetime value and all these things that are sort of critical to what we do. But we just had to like like, we had to code and everything was just as it was it was terrible. I remember those days right like those words were those words. So we made the same card is the way to selling digital products. And our whole goal is our mantra. We want to warn you guys got tools to help help convert or more customers spending more or more often. I mean, that is our three ways three levers to grow business I want I want to increase markers and we get more people in the door right I want to lose the average order value what they’re spending every every time I want to bring them back again again, lifetime value, if you can nail those meanings, man you’ve got got some you know, you don’t mean and a lot of that what I really love about the report we’re going to talk about is all of that stuff is so incredibly crystal clear when we look at it I’m gonna use the term creator right creator studios because we refer to as the brands that are gonna make six figures or more. Right right and so we’ve got something like like five 550 of those people maybe 4050 of those people are aren’t figures in a year we’ve got two or three that are going to do to diamond figures your sales in this year 2020 20 Like like God got fired. Oh, yeah, no one no one knows more than we do you know, per pound for pound like that type of stuff. You got bigger platforms, you got people with more customers or whatever, but our customers made three to five times more than anybody else and it’s because they got the right treatment that’s that’s what we set out to that’s why we built it ourselves for our scratching. And that’s really what we do all day everyday you know 17,000 People selling their stuff on Sam Sam cart.
Chris 7:47
And I want to I want to add some context for you all. Sam cart in its inception was revolutionary. And the reason being is because if you were savvy to marketing automation you were using Infusionsoft now called Keep and their checkout pages oh my goodness
Scott Moran 8:10
how much better they’ve got got since we’re talking about like late years there’s there’s no idea but I’ll tell you what, what you’re about to perform you had to design it you had to post the page then you had to you know, it’s all this other stuff not about you know if you don’t want to do subscription so much work man that I mean that that was that was our initial kind of trampoline. You know, whatever that was do that was how innovative we were. We were you don’t need me and
Chris 8:43
yeah, you all were leading with conversion. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, just trying to get a set we were just trying to collect a sale
Scott Moran 8:52
and that’s all I got people with credit cards on hand what do I do and it’s like wait just for like I don’t know me I’m like here’s your some credit credit cards and that was like like, whoa
Chris 9:04
Yes. And and another differentiator back then and these are all my legacy marketers know this authorize.net was free mere payment gateway or Yeah, payment gateways, just like oh, yeah, 100 posit authorize.net, and insert whatever the company and now I don’t, maybe they’re still in business. I haven’t seen their logo. Crazy
Scott Moran 9:31
over crazy. We still process about one out of every every meals on SIM cards throughout the rest. Yeah. Which is just and they’re all of them. I’ll tell you what they are all of them companies that were around when we started. They’re never live. But man yeah, I’ll tell you that is from a practical perspective. All I can tell you is that authorize net after all these years is identical. They haven’t changed nothing. They’re still exactly the same thing. And if you partner up something like that, what seems like that’s kind of kind of The Magic though is like, like, I get kind of kind of system that I know and trust in my payment setup, but we at least give you a little bit more than new technology. No, we always resilio for anything. Yeah, yeah. And
Chris 10:11
here’s, here’s what I like. And I was I was pleasantly reminded, just kind of going back over to the website and looking at everything. You see these companies like authorize dotnet. And there’s endless amounts that find they find their sweet spot for lack of a better term, right? And they keep that product alive. They don’t have to do much just stay relevant. And there’s something to be said about those who can stay relevant. But I want to ask you this. You all have not just stayed relevant what your core offering, but you continue to innovate. And just recently, you launch I mean, I feel like at least a year, there’s a big product add on, right? Yeah. And the most recent one was embeddable checkouts. In the in the UN, the immature mind was like, oh, yeah, that’s, that’s okay. Check embeddable checkout shares. Slow down everybody, did you hear what just happened here? Everybody who’s already processing millions and billions through SamCart, can now extend where they collect payments, without their payment processor. So not to get into the features. But I just wanted to ask you, Scott, you and your Brian, you, you and your brother, you sit back? And what is it that keeps you from just collecting the checks and being happy with serving the market?
Scott Moran 11:43
It’d be great to go do that. Obviously, you know, like, I’m sitting in our office right now here in Austin. Right. Right. And I don’t know how to, you know, we, when we started out when we started out with, like, like, I remember, man, man wouldn’t wouldn’t be easy if this business was. Right, right. And like, and like, that was, that was big. That was huge. And then, I mean, that was a couple years ago, we were we’ve been very fortunate enough. You know, we’ve raised three different rounds of funding and things like that. And, you know, our most recent round of funding raised $300 million. And so that, you know, our desire to win competitive and deliver, you know, I mean, honestly, is probably the right answer. And now, you know, we answer to people now, I’ve essentially got a point, yeah, we always wanted to win, we always wanted to win big, you know, I mean, we always know how do you win, you win by serving a ton of 100 people? Right, right, and helping them and, and so for me, I always, always love when my favorite things is waking up every single day checking, what did our haters do yesterday, you know, I mean, and in general, right now, I mean, our creators are doing doing $3 million in sales every day. And that is, that’s last week, we hopped on this call a couple of minutes ago, you know, maybe we probably had a couple 100 grand. And like, I’m like that you don’t need me and innovating delivering more tools, giving you tools to take their checkout to wherever they want. Because the internet is different now giving them tools like like buying later stored credit cards, or you know, whatever, whatever, a lot of things packed back there. But giving experts and creators the shop got to deliver and create their own business where they were gonna look at their balls all day themselves out here. Like that. They’re gonna have that day that we all had that you and I both felt joy, you know, whatever. Like, like that add of fire. I think that really keeps
Chris 13:32
on doing. Yeah, and don’t worry, everyone. I can already sense that many of you are like, this is my first time or I’ve heard about it, I’ve seen about it. Well, I want to see how it works. Listen, okay, this will this won’t be the last but this is the first time Scott’s here. And what I’ll do is I’ll coordinate with Scott and we’ll probably do like a deep dive into SAM car week and show you these things. But what I what I really want you all to take away before we jump into the date of this report, is that you’re processing your payments is I’m not even gonna say probably it is it’s the most critical piece of your business. If you cannot put money in the bank consistently and reliably. And I think Scot far, far too often. People are looking at the price of software. And that’s the decision that they’re making in terms of payment processors. And I’ve been on the receiving I’ve been on the decision making end of that, where maybe the processor increases their fees or something breaks or, you know, you all are a team that are actively developing all of the time. Again, you’ve got so much history behind you processing payments, that if I I want to recommend someone to accompany. This is an easy one, right? I mean, not just because I know the founders, but I’m just saying, you have stood the test of time. Yeah, as a consultant, sometimes there’s really large businesses trying to do simple what we will call simple things online. And you look into your, your, your repository of software to recommend, and the bigger the company, the more is on the line. And they’re really lenient on your recommendations. You need platforms like yourself that have been around for so long, and have the track record and receipts to prove it. So this is a big push everybody, for me, is, especially in this new season of the podcast, where we’re intentional with helping you all strategically select software and intelligently implemented so that we can be one of the billions I like, that’s
Scott Moran 15:57
all we’re after, right? Make one of those. And now, we appreciate you. We take a lot of pride in being a reliable tool for search for more like innovative, he’s great. I would love I would love people to slap us most innovative as a tag. But reliable is not enough. Especially when you guys are dealing with you know, I talk all the time with clients with people in agencies. That’s what I do, you know, is, if I can, if a reliable is probably the only thing you can take away from from a school, those are your tech stack for somebody who I’m helping our clients make a million on helping our clients. If we get that 100 100 Like, like, whatever that is. being reliable is super, super important. To us being innovative is definitely number two, we take a lot of pride in running both. I mean, I’m helping help move the needle. And I think that’s a great a great segue into some of the potatoes talks about okay, cool, reliable and standing up when others are falling over wherever it’s at. But the really fun thing is also thinking about what if we can also move the needle neat, right? How good do How good does that make you look as a consultant when you’re gonna bring this in, and we’re gonna deliver the results in addition to just you know, a company that’s not gonna go anywhere.
Chris 17:09
You know what, you know what I just remembered when you say reliable, Scott, also, my memory is all being jogged now. Sam cart was the first payment processing software that integrated with multiple CRMs I remember this.
Scott Moran 17:29
Yep, yep, I read one. Do you remember? Like recalling back two days where like, like, you would make a sale and then something outside of what made the sale had like, say, hey, Infusionsoft. Hey, like, habits. It’s just like, like black hole and like, like, no one knows who those customers are going nowhere. Is this them tracking trend tracking stuff. And yeah, that’s you’re not wrong, right? I mean, there’s a and it’s funny to think about why why is that? Why why are you the first ones to do that? Like, why did it take to like, like, the first person and the truth is because like, like, I always think and can never let this go because it was me and being our understanding these businesses understanding, you know, I mean, like in my heart for me, and I wish that edge has served us very well. Now, it’s, it’s a lot of fun to continue to innovate anything about stuff that you know, we watch watch editor or watch other people doing and they’re just building stuff stuff that no one cares here. And I know that and I’m happy with them. But I know I know that creators right now are looking around and going you know what I I’m all over the place. I’m on YouTube. I’m on Tik Tok, I’m everywhere I need to have those people wherever they’re at to find my chronic chronic lie. You made a man Eric go ultra lightweight, ultra flex on checkout. Also gonna double your spending and you’re gonna plug into your CRM, it’s gonna do all this stuff and let you take that was out out of, you know, the wheat or on dropped off, you know, I mean, like, that’s it. So no, I’m I’m glad to hear because that was always kind of stuff we’re really proud of you don’t mean and serves us well. Well, yeah.
Chris 19:09
Yeah. And last thing, everybody, I promise you. So some of you are listening like all right, Chris already. We get it. You love Sam cart. Please don’t mistake what I’m doing. I’m making sure I highlight the things that you should be valuing. Because oftentimes, what I see in this space, when someone is recommending software, they either have a stack that they just recommend all the time, or they don’t even know what to look at, because they haven’t been around long enough. So with that being said, I have to mention this. I promise this last one, sales conversion based designed templates. Okay, man, these are checkout pages. These are checkout pages designed with conversion in mind. Me Oh, yeah, I know, listen, listen entrepreneur, I know you have no idea how to increase your sales conversions. You’re looking at your page just scratching your head. So this is just one less thing that you have to worry about when you’re on that journey, everyone. And this is we are segwaying into the data. It’s not that this is magic. They have years and billions of dollars of data that shows what works and what doesn’t. So you don’t have to start from scratch. For How To expect high conversion. That’s that’s your expectation? You know?
Scott Moran 20:39
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. At the end of the day, I don’t don’t want you I don’t want anyone was thinking about that. I don’t want anyone thinking like, like, Alright, how do I improve this? Or whatever. That’s our worry about that. We had that stuff constantly taking this removing this, even this rock wall, shout out that that at the end of the day, here’s the cool part. Right? It’s like, well, you know, we know that less, more and more, right, right, right now are only judged, when you guys got their own stuff online. Your only real job is to get out and start asking them to do more, stop asking a bunch of stuff stuff stop doubting putting flashy animations and stuff that breaks on mobile like, like, your only job is to just have some some short or sweet wheat and get the frick out that way.
Chris 21:23
Yeah, so we’re gonna jump into data. And I’m gonna start by sharing some data that that I found very interesting. This was my first time as a marketer, breaking from what I fought, and everybody was saying, to like, Wow, you really have to look at the data. Right? And it was I was at LeadPages. And we had we were testing the checkout page. And we have various you know, we were using visual Website Optimizer at the VWO. And what was the other one that went out? Optimize? Anyway? I think it was Optimizely. You know, there were at the time, and then one went like super enterprise and VW. Yeah. So so we were testing button colors, all the regular stuff, right? Here’s, here’s what surprised me so much is that we then tested mobile. And this was remember, Scott, this is back then where mobile is having a mobile,
Scott Moran 22:24
mobile, no one’s buying on their mobile phones. Do I remember, like people saying that? Like, like, no one’s on their mobile phones? Like that’s not gonna happen?
Chris 22:32
Yes, right. This is 20. I don’t know 17 2016. Ish. And we went all the way out of our way to create this mobile responsive sales page. ended up looking at the data, though, people were viewing it on their mobile device. The desktop version outperformed. Why the desired version? And it was it wasn’t close, Scott, it wasn’t like, oh, we make $5 more. It was like a drastic difference. Clay was like, turn off the mobile just lay it out. Right. I think time what happened was, people just wanted to see a comparison. Like they wanted to see the table across. That’s, that’s my assumption. So with that being said, I’m laying the ground here for Listen, everybody. I’ve gone through what the market was saying and what everybody else is saying and say, oh, here, this is, this is the trend. This is how things are working? Well, I’m going to read we’re going to talk about three data points. Now, this is the entire report. Remember, you’ll have access to it, we’ll get you get you the link and all of that. But let me read this first piece of data from this report created by Scott and his team at SamCart. First one, it takes 200 to 300 clicks each month to power a six figure business 200 clicks we
Scott Moran 24:06
before we hopped on today, we talked about that. And then like like you and I and I said if I hadn’t said that number, and I asked you we said Chris, you know how many clicks to drive, you know, at 300 bucks in six figures. Right? Right. How many clicks? What would you use it?
Chris 24:23
I would have landed around 50 to 100 I think because just understanding email website stuff like that would have been on my high end, Scott. That had been right,
Scott Moran 24:34
right. Yeah, yep. Yep. Yeah, sure. Sure. I think I would have gone too high. Honestly. To me, that number sounds low sometimes like Lincoln 300 quickly your offers like like, that’s not that’s not that bad. You know, I mean, like, like, for six figures. Six figures full time. That’s, that’s cool. You know, and what we know, data is if you can make six figures you can make, I mean, there really is no Excuse you should have at that point, but but to 300 for a six figure business, I mean, like, like, I hope that comes off eminently possible, you know, mean for everybody out here that that is the kind of thing where where you do not need. I mean, do we have we have some of those creators, right people can make six figures this year within 12 months. Right, right. We got some people that have like, less than 10,000 people like you, I mean, like, like, and it’s just not such a different world. It’s just, it’s different than in the big email list, big Facebook group or whatever you know, of yesteryear is just a rule. It’s not how it goes.
Chris 25:38
Yeah, yeah. And you know what, now I’m thinking about it. If you if you take your monthly breakdown, it’s right around 10 clicks a day. And yeah, man, if that doesn’t feel doable, everyone. I yeah, maybe maybe you do need to be paying more attention here and talking about automation. Because that that is very much doable. Just 10 bucks. We’re talking about valuable clicks, but 10 clicks a day. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.
Scott Moran 26:14
From Youtube, that’s a couple 100 email subscribers. I mean, it’s just not it’s not you know, I mean, I mean, and I love that I love I always love like favorite things and finding niche businesses that aren’t huge, but you know, and they are man is studying with him. Talk to him. One thing is that whatever you’re doing on the internet, you can continue to million dollar dollar, right? My favorite example, Bergeron watching this, do you Sam Carter lives in Oregon, Oregon, he invites people out his biggest he invites people out Oregon, fly yourself into Portland. Right? Right and come hang out in the woods. It’s like the beginning of like, murder mystery or something like that. You don’t come hang out. Together, right, right. Do this do crushes it, hundreds of $1,000 unreal.
Chris 27:03
I love it. I love I love those select niches. All day. Now now just when you that was just warm up everyone, by the way. That was the layup line. Okay. shot here. Listen to this next one. Listen to this next one. And as I read it, I want you to be thinking about this in the context of what you’re hearing about social platforms, which platforms everybody’s telling you. You better be on there. You gotta be on this platform. Listen to this. Facebook traffic converts three times higher than Instagram. That’s one, four times higher than YouTube, and 10 times higher than Tik Tok. I’m gonna say that one more time. In times, we’re talking about Facebook traffic that you remember Facebook, everybody, the platform, and they’re like, oh, that’s for old people. Oh, it’s outdated. I’m so tired of Facebook, you’re not on Instagram right now. Three times higher than Instagram, Facebook. And Facebook owns Instagram, by the way, four times higher than YouTube 10 times higher than tic tac
Scott Moran 28:26
toe. I don’t know if you can show this. I’ve got the graph up on my share. I want to show everybody but this is a graph. So again, this is from our credit report. Right? Basically, all this is showing you what is the conversion rate by traffic source? Right, right. Of course, you can see the biggest ones one biggest ones there are websites. Right, right. And you got Facebook organic way there on the left, you got Facebook ads, it’s actually number four, which is why Facebook ads. Facebook ads are the highest converting of any of the ad platforms that we have our data and then yeah, just like Instagram or YouTube link tree reaches, you know, kind of social kind of not not tick tock. I promise you are on charges. And that’s why it’s this trade off. Your God, Chris Chris, I saw this chart. Right, which i i laughed for a hot second I thought that school, you know, ran, still crashing in terms of just just quality of traffic. But then I stopped and I thought okay, well, hold on, hold on. Let’s look let’s think about this a little harder, harder. What this graph is showing us I think that graph is showing us once again, this kind of an eminent it’s always been true. We all know it warm traffic is better than cold. Right, right. And where’s your warm traffic? It’s coming from your website. It’s coming from an email list. Right? Right. And we’re coming from from Facebook. It’s like like a pretty warm traffic source fan and maybe they’d be their group like, like, these kinds of things. It’s at the end of the day, it’s pretty warm. But I just mean that he’s XR town was wild, because we’ve had so many people hunting us down to say, hey, gotta get on tick tock, tick tock. And then they start talking about how much time and effort for videos and stuff and I’m like, like, man, anyway, we can we brought this and I showed him I showed, like, we gotta get up. And I was like yeah, but you know what I mean? Like, like let’s let’s you want to get down to one or more quickly than anywhere else do it but that’s what is hate is you gotta gotta you gotta gotta I think it’s that’s actually true. You can have one video pop on can get crazy views you can have a big success. But man you need that big pop or else that YouTube tweets, right? So but that whole warm traffic cold traffic and you know me I’m every single person every single consult created rate or whoever’s watching, you should be investing double down, invest harder to get more people off of social offensive knock off whatever ever on your email list, get him in marketing automation, get him in that world, because he made more interest resists, if you don’t have it, you’re gonna be running on an insane treadmill, you know, trying to get enough news from these places.
Chris 31:14
Yeah, um, you know, Scott, I’m really glad you said that. Because one of the biggest mistakes I see real good businesses that just don’t really understand marketing and sales, is they’ll say I need to run ads. And I didn’t catch this for a while because it’s all in order and priority for me, it’s like exhaust my hot traffic, my hot leads my rights then cold. So in my world, you never start cold. Because money is hot and warm. Now there are some people that want to jumpstart they’ve got the cash to just go into a cold audience. But I’m talking about most of the regular businesses, course creators, you know, things of that nature. Yeah. And it’s amazing how they leap over all of the people that they know, their warm network, whether it be a Facebook group that they can start adding value to, whether it’ll be an email list that they’re like, Oh, I only have 1500 people, as if that’s not enough.
Scott Moran 32:16
To determine, Yep, yeah. Yeah. You
Chris 32:19
know, so entrepreneurs, everybody, we can’t, it’s one thing to have shiny object syndrome. I understand that. But then there’s another thing that just totally bypass good marketing practices. Start with your warm traffic. Start with your warm traffic. Now, this next point is is near and dear to my heart. Because in the last few years of my professional career and consulting, I’ve been helping physical product ecommerce brands. Right. And, and I am any evangelist to help them understand. Stop being so Legion focused, and your customer conversion focused. Because it’s just the data, the data shows it. Scott, I actually I have some numbers for you. i Yes. ran a report yesterday for an E commerce company that I’m working with. We emailed leads, and then we emailed their customers. Okay, yeah. Now, I will say this, the lead segment was a bit more simplified. I just grabbed everybody that had never purchased a product and had been on their time. The customers I got a little more specific with my segments have purchased this product had purchased a product has spent over this amount and then been dormant in the last X X amount of time. Right. So there’s some intelligence here, run run emails. The leads got three emails. Okay, so it took three emails to mass what I will say let me just round the numbers often say 50k. Okay, 50 caps deal. Great. Right. Sounds great. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. The next time the next week, you email customers. one email per segment, Scott, one, increased the revenue by 50%. Increase these customers do summers. Revenue by 50%. My mathematicians just heard I more than doubled my total revenue. This mailing my customers intelligently me,
Scott Moran 34:31
implications of that are better. So think about the implications of that for this company. And running more ads, you know, I’m boosting lifetime value. Now, what can I do? Well, I can spend more because I can afford to pay more. You know, I mean, I mean, it’s think about pretty much like everybody always talks about sales or whatever. It’s like your profits for the month like, like, you know, that type stuff. So, so pretty critical. And I think the number you’re gonna get in there for,
Chris 35:01
say, you can say
Scott Moran 35:04
about 11% of your customers are repeat customers that one. Okay. So that goes like this report. If you had 100 customers, on average 11 of them will become repeat customers. Right, right, once again, but that segment, those 11 leverage accounted for 40 60% of total revenue. 46%. And here’s the cool thing. Chris says you don’t lie. You’re right. As you go higher, you talk about our creators, just the top 10% right about our bar photos. If you go to the top top, those numbers, there’s more Georgia thematic, right, right there, they’re better at driving repeat sales, it’s more like 18%. And those 18% 60% of sales. So you’re talking about companies that grow and scale understand that treating my customers like giving you them EMS, can you enter the amount of opportunities by continuing to put offers specialist sales or whatever right is maybe the biggest single opportunity for any single person. Right, right. And this is this is the part that really, really makes me is partnering with another snap out downtown corridor is our trigger videos that talks about perception, on average, they will within any kind of like 30 day period, right? Right, they will sell 5.5 unique SKU different products. Right, right, meaning they don’t have one product, they have a line of products. That’s what I’m gonna say. Right? Right. You do not have we found 00 Creator Studio $0 million SamCart card that our product is not? Doesn’t doesn’t exist. Right, right. And so for anybody out there, thinking, okay, cool, I’ve got my business, I’m trying to achieve a level of scale here, it’s gonna come and work with somebody, right? That that is, what is your product line up? Can you are you are you if you only have 123? Offerings to buy? Right, right? How are you tapping into that life lifetime value? How are you getting to number because you got nothing. You’ve got to demand if you have customers in the door, you have to make them want to do it with the data shows over and over and over again. There’s nothing on the way like that one. I think I think the clearest way to show that product. But man, you know, like, like, every single one of us was thinking, how can I continue to let Right. Right, right. And that that happens in two different ways. Chris, you hit perfectly on the back end users. Right, right. segment your audience. Right, right. Right, right. Right. Right. Right. Right. You you show that really, really, right, right? At the same time, how can we be doing that every time someone places an order? How can I sell something that’s 100 bucks give people an opportunity by you know, we call it we call it? Revenue? That’s what that’s all across, right? We say someone’s don’t want to provide product on a Right, right? They add product B and C to their to their orders, they’re checking out upsells upgrades, whatever it is. That’s expansion. Right? Right, we found out that our SIM card creator shows us expansion revenue, which is the majority and certainly the majority of people who talk temper, those people are on average, increasing average order value by 120. Meaning when you add a video, and again, we come back to like, like, this is why we did this is because the tools to do this, we know how powerful this was years ago. And now we have the data. But what we’re basically saying is make it easy for your customers to spend more every time right by Right, right. And you will likely double or more than that, and it’s just you know, that’s you do it earlier, do it on the back end, right? Do it when someone buys do it after someone buys you that relationship and manage that. And if you’re not doing it, you’re missing out on the majority of your business. Right, right. That’s right.
Chris 38:44
Yeah, and everybody. Think of this in the lens of producing value. Multiplying the value, do not think of it in the lens of a of a shakedown, a grab and run, oh, I can get more money real quick. Just sit down and understand the value the perceived value of your audience and give it to them. Yeah, so many ways and strategies. They’re just if you’re if you’re struggling right now, I just I just have to say you’ve got to get with somebody who’s more strategic that knows the right software and can really help you approach things from from a different vantage point, man, there’s just no reason to not be mad on this.
Scott Moran 39:37
Yeah, for sure. I mean, that point right there. Because here’s your choice, right? Having done this long enough. I genuinely believe that that enormous majority of people right right care about their customers, they care about your body care, you don’t need I mean, you’ve got everyone wants to point to the you know, we all know that. But I’m telling you right now like like the 98% are worried about that. Looking like the two of you? And in general, you guys out there, your customers likely, really enjoy your brand, you know what I mean? And they’re just waiting for an opportunity. There’s an unmet demand out there for your customers to come and spend more money with you. Right? Right. And it’s all about just just giving them the chance to make. Right right. And just like Chris said, and there’s there’s execution madman, you could show up and say, Hey, guys, you spent more money, you got to buy more, and here’s a big deadline or whatever like that, or you come up and make it good. Hey, guys, just checking in, see if you want anything. And by the way, here’s your special customer offer if you’re interested, right, right. And I’m telling you b is going to outperform a and you will cool anyway, you know, I mean, I mean, like it does, it is all about relational capital, you know, like, like, invest in your customers and cozy up to them, check in with them do those kinds of things, right. And then and then you build up equity that you cash back at the right time to launch a new service or when you have HubSpot opened up and you haven’t created it. Right, right. Those kinds of things, your customer should be comprised the majority of your revenue. Right, right. And man, maybe it’ll be the biggest single place. People just do it. And it’s thankfully, now we’ve got the data, backup stuff. I’ve just screamed for people for free. Yeah,
Chris 41:17
yeah. So. So I have I can’t stress enough, you need to be measuring your performance. One thing before I let you go, Scott, I just want you to mention, Sam cart is more than just payment processor that integrates with your CRM and your other tools to make things easy, and now embeddable in a variety of ways to expand and extend your ability to capture. All of that is great, all of that is good. I’m gonna blow the whistle on the industry here. Most payment processors and even ones that I’ve used and talked about, hey, this is a great one, their data on the back end is lacking are inaccurate. I just want you to talk for a minute, because that’s another differentiator with Sam cart for type of analytics that you buy. Yeah, he’s crazy.
Scott Moran 42:10
I mean, again, it’s another one of those things that comes from we are our customers, you know, like, I’ve run this business, and I’ve run this business for a long time, and honestly, a lot of ways that we run SamCart as a business, we’re still in the same world, we’re still doing. So you know, things like, you know, revenue. Right, right. Expansion, revenue is a massive opportunity, right? How can I let my customers while they’re paying for every time, right, that idea? You know, yeah, we’re on our dashboard. It’s funny, when you log into different tools, the use of internet, I mean, I mean, and their dashboard start talking about, you guys would never look at another tech stack. What is on someone’s dashboard? Is that whatever dashboard is what they care about what they want to hear. Right? Right. Right. And when you log into someone’s dashboard, you see, like, like, their most recent response. Right, right. You see, like, nice, cool, branded video for you. What are they showing you? Our dashboard shows you your status, your profit for the day, it shows you your expansion, revenue, meaning like, like, number, zero, right? Like, it’s rare. To hear, like, really makes me money, money, it shows you like live value, which was your MRR, which was your total number of subscribers, active, active, active, you know, active, active, recurring income type stuff, whatever, whatever. That’s as we do, you know, what we do is we’re trying to give you guys the creators as many tools to understand how am I doing? And better yet, where are the opportunities is that Saturday, I just toss like, like, the flip side of that equation. Or, like, you know, business intelligence tools. Right, right. Yeah. To me, that that’s data, everything, right? Processes, everything. And it’s like, I want to be like, I always want data and things like that. That’d be like, at like, I want I want it to good. Use useful, but taking it to it’s when you get get Tableau, where they’re just just here’s all these numbers. They’re just hoping that you know what, oh, right, right. Yes. I always like to think okay, let’s let’s back that down a bit. I’m not going to show you every single piece of data, but I do want to show you the actionable stuff. Right, right. Cool. I want you to look lower in the future and see, hey, three months from now, those yearly plans that I sold last year current backup to rebill. So I know where my cash right or I can look and I can say okay, cool, you know, those payment plans I’ve been running, running, you know, those are all running out. So I should start playing in my mind emotion which is like that. That’s so that’s so critical. You guys, whether you’re whether you’re running stuff or a client, you want to want to you know, you want to be the baller that deliver stuff for that client. You become the easiest checkout right and right now we’re you’re running your own thing. Finding the opportunities and having data understanding how your business runs, I think is so critical. And I hope you know That’s my genuine hope, hope that we baked into, you know, what’s on our dashboard the other day, Sam Carter does seem personal, you know, our most popular plan is one. Right? So it’s not inexpensive. It’s expensive. I hear our most common feedback from our folks right especially anybody who’s processing money on his house has this is you guys easiest thing i i bill every, you know, someone logged into their account we’re asking for 149 and they know they go for 73 grand a month, you know, decline. It’s like like, you know, we are we’ve created you know, an extra 80 grand last month off their promotion they did right because we have you know, so yeah, let’s listen data use data at school. It’s about how you’re gonna meet my goals that at all of you guys start our can use the report. We’re gonna give away for free read Chris Russell linked up. So I hope you guys guys use that kind of data to identify opportunities and take action. Because at the end of the day, that’s, that’s all I want. I want to I want I want to record stuff. I want to highlight stuff for you guys. I want to I want to point you in the right direction, because the truth is, your current clients is like, everyone’s unique. And I just want to help you guys as best I can say there’s your massive opportunity and capitalize on it. Yeah,
Chris 46:17
and I want to share a horror story for for you are at the time of recording. We’re we’re not we’re close enough to Halloween for this horror story. And it’s gonna drive home. What Scott is saying, so I logged into my my recent Is this what I should say, I logged into the payment processor that I was using at the time. And I was looking at the the dashboard ticker. And this is what it told me, Scott, I’m not lying to you. I looked at it. And it said, based on your recurring revenue, subscriptions programs and all of that. Next month, your projected revenue is like $10,000. Yeah. Oh, wow. $10,000 in recurring revenue, that’s a nice little, you know, so. And I actually made a decision based on that. I said, we got that 10 coming in, let’s do this. Right, right. Well, the next month comes, Scott, it was nowhere near to this day. I have no idea where they got that number from. I went back. Maybe something what? It literally made no sense. It wasn’t true. That was the lat I still have some payment pages set up in there. Yeah, look at the dashboard. Now I’ve have to go external. I’m doing some fancy stuff and air table and analytics tools. So listen, everybody in I’m glad you mentioned a price. You sometimes you just have to pay to play. And we’re talking about a salesperson on your team, one of the most reliable salespeople on your team that won’t steal from you that won’t break down that won’t show up drugged up hungover. You know what I’m saying? Sam carts gonna pay that person there 159 a month, and stop penny pinching, because I’m telling you. And the reason I do at all you all because I want to, I’m trying to explore it as many software platforms as possible. So I can give you the insight to help you and save you from the worlds that I experienced. And of course, when it works, I highlight that as well. So I just wanted to say that because it is very important that the data from the platform you’re processing your payments from is accurate. Okay? decisions need to be based on reality. That’s it.
Scott Moran 48:54
That’s it, you know? And like, like, I don’t know what what is I don’t I don’t when it comes to this is really really one of the things again, like I hope that whatever you guys are listening, watching stuff later later is our vision was to drill down on things right, right. And the best in class this one one thing, right so a lot of people ask, hey what become an all in on and build an email platform or build this or build that and the truth is right that anybody who’s not a newbie you should not touch it at all. Because what do you get get get get one good school, and you get a bunch of t minus t plus. Right right and that you just had had that’s a that’s a c plus or worse, someone who is doing the most critical tasks in your entire business. You’re like, like nothing else. That’s the only party you can take out you said earlier, right? Right. But it’s like like we talked about payment and money on and how much you’re making and making more. That’s the only place you’re miserable you cannot possibly remove without still holding this right his right hand man is just having the right training which is different from the one thing I was used to before right right and Sam cart cart not inexpensive but all the time it’s the only thing on the planet that is very black and white white business that like we’re not making me that money on you know, we literally will tell you Oh, you’re not making it like our dashboard is set up like like, you’re gonna know very quickly that we’re not worth it. And then you think Yeah, it’s like, like that’s if it doesn’t work for them. That’s That’s great. I have one go find the funnest part is looking at looking at it. How actually we built that and just you know, given chances to share the truth about it. So I hope you guys take action on stuff that gives me joy the creative prof Roberts somewhere here Chris is gonna post the link it’s literally just it’s on our site you got to take care of it like it’s all there there. But man there’s a lot more a lot a lot of really stuff in there. Hope you guys guys died on take action because main actions everyday we’re getting all this data is really really good. My whole my genuine hope, right? Is getting emails from you guys or something like that, right? Hey, I took action on this one thing. And you guys. That’s it. That’s it. So get after it.
Chris 51:09
Yeah. And in closing, I want to give you the floor to just tell people where to go if if you haven’t figured it out by now. I mean, I’ve got a pretty savvy group of folks. I mean, typing the name of the software.com. But just I always want to check checking all my boxes and make sure there’s nothing else. But where can they go to find out more about Sam cart, the creator University things of that nature that you’ve mentioned in the podcast?
Scott Moran 51:41
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Sam cart.com is just sad car.com You can check out the tool dashboard all kinds of stuff. The report is awesome. Go read the report is literally for free is unneeded. It’s just on our site. We don’t need to know nothing, nothing. You’ll find the Jim clark.com There’s a resource or drop 2023 Recreate profit report. That’s what it’s called. And again, it’s just we shared a bunch of visuals you know we some some free guys guys, go check that out. And of course, you guys want to check out SamCart get a free trial email Nizam Scott SamCart up your questions. I’m happy to help out, but it’s really only serves you guys. I loved Dion I love for people to like Chris, people like you like you guys. It’s a lot of a lot of fun. Yeah.
Chris 52:27
So thank you so much, Scott. This was just so you all know, it’s been hard for me not to keep going because as you see, Scott is he’s a marketer first. Remember, I read earlier, he made his dent helping market online with his agency. So when you talk to other marketers, man that have seen it, you’ve been through the trenches? You just feel like it’s there. Yeah, yes. Yes. So remember, the goal of these podcasts is to help you expose you all to software that you may be aware of and you just didn’t have the time to look through and really understand what it does. Some of you expose you to new software but help you strategically selected so hopefully something was said here that clicked a light bulb came on. You realize oh my gosh, this is the pain point that Now Sam cart can solve. If that is the case. Again. Reach out, reach out to Scott after you sign up. You can always let us know to at holler at automation bridge.com H O ll er at automation bridge.com. For those of you who are listening on the treadmill or jogging, he was like what’s the graph explain the graph what does it look like? Listen, it’s all on our YouTube channel as well. So make sure you head over to YouTube typing automate youtube.com forward slash at automation bridge now that they have tags, and subscribe to make sure that you don’t miss out Scott. Greatly appreciate it my friend. This has been absolutely amazing. Love it
Scott Moran 54:10
last Chris. Thanks for coming on. Yeah pletely get some great feedback on this one. You guys hit me up. No question was great. It was great catching up. Absolutely.
Chris 54:18
Everyone else continue to automate responsibly my friends. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The all systems go podcast. If you enjoyed it, make sure that you’re subscribed at the time of recording the all systems go podcast is free to subscribe to and it can be found in Apple podcast, Google podcasts, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts new episodes are released every Thursday so make sure you’re subscribed so that you don’t miss out and while you’re at it, please leave us a five star rating and review to show some love but also to help future listeners more easily find Find the podcast so they can experience the value of goodness as well. We’ve compiled all resources mentioned on the podcast, as well as other resources that are extremely valuable and effective at helping you grow your marketing automation skills quickly, and you can access them all at all systems go podcast.com Thanks again for listening. And until next time, I see you online. Automate responsibly, my friends
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